JOINs are essential operations in relational databases. They create a link between rows based on common values and allow the meaningful combination of these rows. CrateDB supports joins and due to its distributed nature allows you to work with larg…
1.Data Model Model Is the abstraction of real world Reveal the essence of objects, help people to locate and resolve problems Data Model A data model explicitly determines the structure of data, and defines the operation that can be imposed, in order…
UPDATE:UPDATE A SET ApproverID=NULL FROM [SH_MaterialApplyBuyBill] A LEFT JOIN [SH_MaterialApplyBuyBillDetail] B ON A.ID=B.[MaterialApplyBuyBillID]WHERE AND @InDetailCount=0DELETE:DELETE A FROM [SH_ClosingBalance] A LEFT JOIN [SH_StoreHouse]…
Normally, when you implement a simple, concurrent Java application, you implement some Runnable objects and then the corresponding Thread objects. You control the creation, execution, and status of those threads in your program. Java 5 introduced an…
前言 本节我们开始讲讲这一系列性能比较的终极篇IN VS EXISTS VS JOIN的性能分析,前面系列有人一直在说场景不够,这里我们结合查询索引列.非索引列.查询小表.查询大表来综合分析,简短的内容,深入的理解,Always to review the basics. IN VS EXISTS VS JOIN性能分析 我们继续创建测试表,如下 CREATE SCHEMA [compare] CREATE TABLE t_outer ( id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,…
前言 本节我们来综合比较NOT IN VS NOT EXISTS VS LEFT JOIN...IS NULL的性能,简短的内容,深入的理解,Always to review the basics. NOT IN.NOT EXISTS.LEFT JOIN...IS NULL性能分析 我们首先创建测试表 USE TSQL2012 GO CREATE SCHEMA [compare] CREATE TABLE [compare].t_left ( id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KE…
今天遇到一个left join优化的问题,搞了一下午,中间查了不少资料,对MySQL的查询计划还有查询优化有了更进一步的了解,做一个简单的记录: select c.* from hotel_info_original c left join hotel_info_collection h on c.hotel_type=h.hotel_type and c.hotel_id =h.hotel_id where h.hotel_id is null 这个sql是用来查询出c表中有h表中无的记…