Oracle8i Internal Services】的更多相关文章 第1回 Oracle8i Internal Services 1人読書会 Oracle 読んだところ Introduction The Oracle Kernel Layers The Kernel Services 書かれていること この本の2章以降を理解するために必要なこと. それは「Oracle の中心部 (Kernel) の階層構造 (layers)」. 要約 Oracle の中心部は階層…
MYSQL 技术圈 有哪些做得好,又注重分享的公司: Oracle MySQL, MariaDB, Percona,Google, FB, Twitter, Taobao, NetEase… 有哪些值得关注的个人: Mark Callaghan. Jeremy Cole. Dimitri. Peter ,Zaitsev. Yoshinori Matsunobu … 微博上有哪些值得关注的账号: @姜承尧. @淘宝丁奇. @plinux. @那海蓝蓝 … 业界有哪些好的会议: Percona Li…
以前虽然在网上看到很多关于Oracle锁机制的描述,但总感觉哪里有缺陷不适合自己,因此花了点时间参考官网以及Tom Tyke的<Oracle 9i/10g/11g编程艺术>一书整理了一下Oracle锁相关的知识. Ps:此博客经过多次编辑,以当前版为准. 官网网址参考: 11.2 10.2…
文章来源: 说明: 设计有好多地方值得借鉴,粘贴过来的排版不好 Today we are open-sourcingsso, our single-sign-on authentication proxy — known internally as the S.S. Octopus — used to secure access to internal services at BuzzFe…
官网: Best Practices This page aims to illustrate common use cases that developers who instrument their applications and libraries with OpenTracing API need to deal with. Stepping Back: Who is OpenTracing for?…
To get an idea of what all of this stuff “does,” let me start off with an update on the average day at Stack Overflow. So you can compare to theprevious numbers from November 2013, here’s a day of statistics from February 9th, 2016 with differences s…
catalogue . Overview . The urllib Bug . Attack Scenarios . 其他场景 . 防护/缓解手段 1. Overview Python's built-in URL library ("urllib2" in 2.x and "urllib" in 3.x) is vulnerable to protocol stream injection attacks (a.k.a. "smuggling"…
So far in this chapter,I have shown you different ways to create services,how to expose a service endpoint and metadata exchange endpoint,how to generate client proxies,how to work with metadata,and how to configure service behaviors. In this section…
Version 11.1   General Purpose Try dbms_session.reset_package. This call will reset all packages variables to their defaults (and will close and flush all cached cursors and free other resources, too, but it will not reset system contexts and it will…
今天中午在看到一篇文章标题: Saved 10 billion DNS queries per month by disabling DNS Prefetching ( 禁用DNS 预读取能节省每月100亿的DNS查询 顿时吸引了我的注意力. 首先作者说了自己最近因为DNS查询数比之前增加了4亿个,逼着要订一个每个月1600美元的DNS查询服务 然后又说了什么叫DNS 预读: DNS prefetching…