sql中同一个Trigger里同时包含Insert,Update,Delete SQLServer是靠Inserted表和Deleted表来处理的,判断一下就可以了,只不过比ORACLE麻烦一点 create trigger 触发名 on 表名 instead of insert,update,delete as --insert插入 from deleted) begin 打印插入 end --update更新 from deleted) begin 打印修改 end --delete删除 f…
这两天给新同事安排了一个工作,即做一个update 的级联更新,在实际操作中发现了一个问题.就是对于Oracle的更新的语法,大部分人尤其是学过SqlServer的人在使用oracle的时候对于oracle的更新会有许多的疑问.就此记下,以便日后查阅 update a set a.col1 = (select b.col1 from b where b.col2 = a.col2) where exists (select * from b where a.col2 = b.col2) /**o…
这里做了比较清晰的解释: http://mybatis.github.io/mybatis-3/java-api.html SqlSession As mentioned above, the SqlSession instance is the most powerful class in MyBatis. It is where you'll find all of the methods to execute statements, commit or rollback transacti…
LanguageManual DML Hive Data Manipulation Language Hive Data Manipulation Language Loading files into tables Syntax Synopsis Notes Inserting data into Hive Tables from queries Syntax Synopsis Notes Dynamic Partition Inserts Example Additional Documen…
这里做了比较清晰的解释: http://mybatis.github.io/mybatis-3/java-api.html SqlSession As mentioned above, the SqlSession instance is the most powerful class in MyBatis. It is where you'll find all of the methods to execute statements, commit or rollback transacti…
我们继续讲解LINQ to SQL语句,这篇我们来讨论Insert/Update/Delete操作.这个在我们的程序中最为常用了.我们直接看例子. Insert/Update/Delete操作 插入(Insert) 1.简单形式 说明:new一个对象,使用InsertOnSubmit方法将其加入到对应的集合中,使用SubmitChanges()提交到数据库. NorthwindDataContext db = new NorthwindDataContext(); var newCustomer…
功能: 1. 允许/限制对表的修改 2. 自动生成派生列,比如自增字段 3. 强制数据一致性 4. 提供审计和日志记录 5. 防止无效的事务处理 6. 启用复杂的业务逻辑 开始 create trigger biufer_employees_department_id before insert or update of department_id on employees referencing old as old_value new as new_value for each row wh…
oracle Insert 一次插入多条记录有两种方法: 1)Insert All Into table_name values ... insert all into table_name values(') into table_name values(') from dual; 2)Insert Into table_name select from insert into table1_name ' from table2_name t1 '…