Higher level thinking】的更多相关文章

「Higher level thinking」-- 出自 Ray Dalio 的<Principles>(PDF 原文:Principles by Ray Dalio) Higher level thinking(高级别.高层次思维),实际上是一种理解起来非常简单且易于实行的方法论,即跳出以事实组成的现实世界(可以理解为现实生活),站在更高一层,系统地思考「低层」的现实世界,以实现个人目标为最终目的,设计出由「正确的人」和「正确的事情」所组成的「系统」(原文为「machine」,Ray 本人喜…
GP2.10 Review the activities,status,and results of XXX process with highter level management and resolve issues. 中文大意是:高级别的领导检查该过程的活动.状态和结果,并解决问题. CMM中的要求是高层领导(hight management),而CMMI中的是高级别领导(highter level management),只要比进行该活动的人员级别高一点的领导就可以了,而不要求非要是高…
30.2 The Level Of Management Protocols Originally, many wide area networks included management protocols as part of their link level protocols. If a packet switch began misbehaving, the network manager could instruct a neighboring packet switch to se…
Contrast ratio between your text and background is at least 7:1 All of your users will benefit from a good contrast between the text on your website and the background colour. Some of your users with visual impairments need a stronger contrast than o…
浅谈angular2+ionic2   前言: 不要用angular的语法去写angular2,有人说二者就像Java和JavaScript的区别.   1. 项目所用:angular2+ionic2+typescript 2. 项目结构 3. Src目录是我们本地开发的目录文件,www我ionic2编译后生成的文件 4. 每个文件夹下面都有三个文件  分别是.Html..scss..ts分别代表结构文件.样式文件.功能文件.也就是HTML+css+js,ionic2+angular2所用的是t…
原文地址:https://www.infoq.com/articles/reactor-by-example Key takeaways Reactor is a reactive streams library targeting Java 8 and providing an Rx-conforming API It uses the same approach and philosophy as RxJava despite some API differences It is a 4th…
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About SSL (but Were Afraid to Ask) Or perhaps more accurately, "practical things I've learned about SSL". This post (and the companion Spring Boot application) will demonstrate using SSL certificates to validat…
Windows 网络通讯开发 一.Windows网络开发API 由于C++标准库中没有网络库,所以进行网络开发的时候要调用系统API.Windows通讯开发API包括以下几个基本函数及成员类型: 1. Header:Winsock.h 和 Winsock2.h(最新的) 具体Winsock2.h包含两大块内容:Socket Functions和Microsoft Windows-Specific Extension Functions Socket Functions: socket:An in…
在分布式系统中,往往需要一些分布式同步原语来做一些协同工作,上一篇文章介绍了Zookeeper的基本原理,本文介绍下基于Zookeeper的Lock和Queue的实现,主要代码都来自Zookeeper的官方recipe. 锁(Lock) 完全分布式锁是全局同步的,这意味着在任何时刻没有两个客户端会同时认为它们都拥有相同的锁,使用 Zookeeper 可以实现分布式锁,需要首先定义一个锁节点(lock root node). 需要获得锁的客户端按照以下步骤来获取锁: 保证锁节点(lock root…
Every time I wrote some code in ruby and executed our cucumber features I craved for something similar in Java. I knew that there were several BDD frameworks for Java like JBehave, JDave, and EasyB, but none of them was right for me: either it used a…