环境 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 问题 We run start_udev as part of the storage allocation procedure that we have. It works, but it can be disruptive if an oracle DB instance is up and running (the listener interfaces briefly disappear). Our RH versions that…
停止mongodb use admin db.shutdownServer(); mongos> db.shutdownServer(); assert failed : unexpected error: "shutdownServer failed: unauthorized: this command must run from localhost when running db without auth" Error: Printing Stack Trace a…
环境: QT5.10 VisualStudio2015 错误1: Could not determine which “make” command to run. Check the “make” step in the build configuration. Error while building/deploying project XXXXXXXXX(kit: Desktop Qt 5.10.0 MSVC2013 64bit) When executing step “qmake” 点…
结论: The source command is only available in bash, and the supervisor command is run by sh. I would recommend using a script to perform your commands 代码示例: [program:alarm_handler] command = bash /opt/disk2/var/www/maliksi/file_protect/management/com…
http://supp.iar.com/Support/?Note=47884 Technical Note 47884 Build from the command line The alternatives below are exemplified for Embedded Workbench for ARM (EWARM), but can be easily be modified for another EW target.This Technical Note might be h…
This Linux tutorial will explain the three "W" commands. The three "W"s are whatis, whereis and which commands. You already know how to use find command to efficiently fo find a file. Now, these three W commands will help you to locate…
Question: I have an interactive shell script, that at one place needs to ssh to another machine (Ubuntu based) and execute something as root (the user should enter his password, but the remote command should run like noted in the script): # ... ssh r…
Create an ssh key: ssh-keygen Copy an SSH key to a remoate server: ssh-copy-id root@ // username@ip address / hostname Then enter your password. To make sure you can SSH into remote server, you can do: ssh root@ Since ssh-co…
Windbg 脚本命令简介 二, Windbg script command $<, $><, $$<, $$><, $$>a< (Run Script File) Sample1.txt文件内容: .echo The first argument is ${$arg1}. .echo The fifth argument is ${$arg5}. .echo The fourth argument is ${$arg4}. 0:000> $$&g…