
生命组学 DNA序列改变的分子基础 变异来源 据研究对象,可分为两类mutation:个体上的变异和群体上的变异,群体上的变异是关联研究,eg喝酒人群vs非喝酒人群相比. 造成mutation的三类机制: 1.DNA复制:DNA复制酶错误 DNA复制 instrinsic polymerase errors Activities of error-prone polymerase:修复时跳过损伤 2.DNA损伤 Endogenously induced DNA damages. Endogeno…
Mutation Observer(变动观察器)是监视DOM变动的接口.当DOM对象树发生任何变动时,Mutation Observer会得到通知. 要概念上,它很接近事件.可以理解为,当DOM发生变动会触发Mutation Observer事件.但是,它与事件有一个本质不同:事件是同步触发,也就是说DOM发生变动立刻会触发相应的事件:Mutation Observer则是异步触发,DOM发生变动以后,并不会马上触发,而是要等到当前所有DOM操作都结束后才触发. 目前,Firefox(14+).…
 MutationObserver介绍 MutationObserver给开发者们提供了一种能在某个范围内的DOM树发生变化时作出适当反应的能力.该API设计用来替换掉在DOM3事件规范中引入的Mutation事件. MDN的资料:MutationObserver MutationObserver是一个构造函数, 所以创建的时候要通过 new MutationObserver; 实例化MutationObserver的时候需要一个回调函数,该回调函数会在指定的DOM节点(目标节点)发生变化时被调…
A gene string can be represented by an 8-character long string, with choices from "A", "C", "G", "T". Suppose we need to investigate about a mutation (mutation from "start" to "end"), where ONE m…
转: HTML5新特性之Mutation Observer Mutation Observer是什么 Mutation Observer(变动观察器)是监视DOM变动的接口.当DOM对象树发生任何变动时,Mutation Observer会得到通知(执行预先指定的回调). Mutation Observer则是异步触发,DOM发生变动以后,并不会马上触发,而是要等到当前所有DOM操作都结束后才触发. 这样设计是为了应付DOM变动频繁的情况.举例来说,如果在文档中连续插入1000个段落(p元素),…
CONTENTS *_annoTable.txt (ANNOVAR) *_annoTable.txt (SnpEff) *_genelist.txt (ANNOVAR & SnpEff) dbNSFP Information We provide here detailed Description about the files outputted from the somatic mutation annotators via ANNOVAR and SnpEff. *_annoTable.t…
A gene string can be represented by an 8-character long string, with choices from "A", "C", "G", "T". Suppose we need to investigate about a mutation (mutation from "start" to "end"), where ONE m…
ASP.NET Core中使用GraphQL - 目录 ASP.NET Core中使用GraphQL - 第一章 Hello World ASP.NET Core中使用GraphQL - 第二章 中间件 ASP.NET Core中使用GraphQL - 第三章 依赖注入 ASP.NET Core中使用GraphQL - 第四章 GrahpiQL ASP.NET Core中使用GraphQL - 第五章 字段, 参数, 变量 ASP.NET Core中使用GraphQL - 第六章 使用EF Co…
A gene string can be represented by an 8-character long string, with choices from "A", "C", "G", "T". Suppose we need to investigate about a mutation (mutation from "start" to "end"), where ONE m…
描述 A gene string can be represented by an 8-character long string, with choices from "A", "C", "G", "T". Suppose we need to investigate about a mutation (mutation from "start" to "end"), where ON…