time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Santa Claus decided to disassemble his keyboard to clean it. After he returned all the keys back, he suddenly realized that some pairs of ke…
time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Santa Claus likes palindromes very much. There was his birthday recently. k of his friends came to him to congratulate him, and each of them…
time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Santa Claus has n tangerines, and the i-th of them consists of exactly ai slices. Santa Claus came to a school which has k pupils. Santa dec…
time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Santa Claus has Robot which lives on the infinite grid and can move along its lines. He can also, having a sequence of m pointsp1, p2, ..., …
time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Santa Claus is the first who came to the Christmas Olympiad, and he is going to be the first to take his place at a desk! In the classroom t…
A. Santa Claus and a Place in a Class 模拟题.(0:12) 题意:n列桌子,每列m张桌子,每张桌子一分为2,具体格式看题面描述.给出n,m及k.求编号为k的桌子在第几行第几列是左还是右. 思路:由图知k为奇数在左边.每列有2*m个数,k/(2*m)然后就可以知道在第几列.然后数据小遍历找到第几行. int main() { int n,m,k; while(~scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&m,&k)) { char…
题面: 传送门 B. Santa Claus and Keyboard Check Input file: standard input Output file: standard output Time limit: 2 second Memory limit: 256 megabytes   Santa Claus decided to disassemble his keyboard to clean it. After he returned all the keys back, he su…
D. Santa Claus and a Palindrome time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Santa Claus likes palindromes very much. There was his birthday recently. k of his friends came to him to co…
E. Santa Claus and Tangerines time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Santa Claus has n tangerines, and the i-th of them consists of exactly ai slices. Santa Claus came to a school…
Description Santa Claus has Robot which lives on the infinite grid and can move along its lines. He can also, having a sequence of m points p1, p2, ..., pm with integer coordinates, do the following: denote its initial location by p0. First, the robo…
Description Santa Claus decided to disassemble his keyboard to clean it. After he returned all the keys back, he suddenly realized that some pairs of keys took each other's place! That is, Santa suspects that each key is either on its place, or on th…
Description Santa Claus is the first who came to the Christmas Olympiad, and he is going to be the first to take his place at a desk! In the classroom there are n lanes of m desks each, and there are two working places at each of the desks. The lanes…
考完复变之后沉迷联盟不能自拔...明天就开始抢救计组 ... B 一个人装错了键帽 选择几个pair 把pair里面的键帽交换 并且每个键帽最多可以换一次 给出按键序列和输出序列 判断是否可以 如果可以输出pair 因为每个键帽最多可以换一次 所以如果错了 一定是一一对应的 于是设定一个表存每个键帽对应的实际字母 需要注意的是 ac cc 这种情况下是 -1 很多人wa在了test14 C 在一个格子图里给出一个路径 里面有UDLR四种移动方向 问 我在格子路径里面最少选几个点 可以让我沿着格子…
A =w= B QvQ C 题意:在一个格子图里给出一个路径 里面有UDLR四种移动方向 问 我在格子路径里面最少选几个点 可以让我沿着格子路径走 其实是在相邻的点与点之间走最短路 分析:贪心+模拟 尽可能选取长的一段,满足这一段里L和R只出现一种,U和D只出现一种 模拟即可 D 题意:给出n个字符串,每个字符串长为k(n*k<=100000),每个字符串都有一个权值(可正可负可为0),选取若干个字符串组成一个回文串,让这个回文串权值和最大,输出这个最大权值和 分析:贪心+map+vector…
题目大意 给定2k个队伍分别住在2k个城市里,需要设定若干个城市,然后选取2个队伍要在它们的最短路径上设一个城市作为休息站 要求设立最少的休息站,然后输出如何安排2个队伍 首先若干个其实就是在坑人,实际上1个就可以了 这一个点就是树的权值重心. 权值重心的定义:若选取权值重心为根,则它的任意子树的权值和不会大于所有子树权值和的二分之一 那么接下来证明权值重心是可行的 只需要构造出来一组分组即可 我是这么构造的 先搜每一个子树,搜集齐k个点放到A,然后继续搜集剩下的点放到B,如果权值重心上也有队伍…
题目大意 可以理解成有n个木板,可以选取木板将其劈成2半(如果长度是奇数,就切成x和x+1),切完之后还可以再切 然后你要把这n个木板切成更多的木板,然后从中选择k个,使得这k个木板的最小长度尽量大 这个题有两种做法,不过都需要二分答案 先二分最小长度是x 第一种做法是 枚举n个木板,每一个都切到不能再切为止,然后统计有多少个木板,看能否符合 统计过程中要记录两个值,因为一个木板不论切多少次,结果都只会存在两种木板,然后记录一下每次切是哪两种木板以及各有多少个,然后简单转移即可 复杂度是nlog…
链接: https://codeforces.com/contest/1272/problem/C 题意: Recently, Norge found a string s=s1s2-sn consisting of n lowercase Latin letters. As an exercise to improve his typing speed, he decided to type all substrings of the string s. Yes, all n(n+1)2 of…
题意:给定两个字符串a和b,问有多少种不同的字母组合对,使得将这些字母对替换字符串b后,可以变成字符串a.注意字母对彼此各不相同. 分析:vis[u]记录与u可形成关系的字母,若u与v不同,则形成字母对.若之后该关系被打破,则输出-1. #pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:102400000, 102400000") #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cstdlib>…
http://codeforces.com/contest/752/problem/B uuu yyu xy xx 注意变化了之后,检查一次前面已经变化过的就好.因为可能前面的满足,但是变了后不满足. #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #include <assert.h> #def…
Codeforces Round #366 (Div. 2) A I hate that I love that I hate it水题 #I hate that I love that I hate it n = int(raw_input()) s = "" a = ["I hate that ","I love that ", "I hate it","I love it"] for i in ran…
Codeforces Round #354 (Div. 2) Problems     # Name     A Nicholas and Permutation standard input/output 1 s, 256 MB    x3384 B Pyramid of Glasses standard input/output 1 s, 256 MB    x1462 C Vasya and String standard input/output 1 s, 256 MB    x1393…
直达–>Codeforces Round #368 (Div. 2) A Brain’s Photos 给你一个NxM的矩阵,一个字母代表一种颜色,如果有”C”,”M”,”Y”三种中任意一种就输出”#Color”,如果只有”G”,”B”,”W”就输出”#Black&White”. #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> using namespace std; const int maxn = 200; const int INF =…
 cf之路,1,Codeforces Round #345 (Div. 2) ps:昨天第一次参加cf比赛,比赛之前为了熟悉下cf比赛题目的难度.所以做了round#345连试试水的深浅.....       其实这个应该是昨天就写完的,不过没时间了,就留到了今天.. 地址:http://codeforces.com/contest/651/problem/A A. Joysticks time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256…
Codeforces Round #279 (Div. 2) 做得我都变绿了! Problems     # Name     A Team Olympiad standard input/output 1 s, 256 MB  x2377 B Queue standard input/output 2 s, 256 MB  x1250 C Hacking Cypher standard input/output 1 s, 256 MB  x740 D Chocolate standard in…
Codeforces Round #262 (Div. 2) 1003 C. Present time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Little beaver is a beginner programmer, so informatics is his favorite subject. Soon his info…
Codeforces Round #262 (Div. 2) 1004 D. Little Victor and Set time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Little Victor adores the sets theory. Let us remind you that a set is a group of…
A: 题目大意: 在一个multiset中要求支持3种操作: 1.增加一个数 2.删去一个数 3.给出一个01序列,问multiset中有多少这样的数,把它的十进制表示中的奇数改成1,偶数改成0后和给出的01序列相等(比较时如果长度不等各自用0补齐) 题解: 1.我的做法是用Trie数来存储,先将所有数用0补齐成长度为18位,然后就是Trie的操作了. 2.官方题解中更好的做法是,直接将每个数的十进制表示中的奇数改成1,偶数改成0,比如12345,然后把它看成二进制数10101,还原成十进制是2…
CF469 Codeforces Round #268 (Div. 2) http://codeforces.com/contest/469 开学了,时间少,水题就不写题解了,不水的题也不写这么详细了. A 水题 //#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:102400000,102400000") #include<cstdio> #include<cmath> #include<iostream> #include<…
题目传送门 /* 贪心 + 模拟:首先,如果蜡烛的燃烧时间小于最少需要点燃的蜡烛数一定是-1(蜡烛是1秒点一支), num[g[i]]记录每个鬼访问时已点燃的蜡烛数,若不够,tmp为还需要的蜡烛数, 然后接下来的t秒需要的蜡烛都燃烧着,超过t秒,每减少一秒灭一支蜡烛,好!!! 详细解释:http://blog.csdn.net/kalilili/article/details/43412385 */ #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #i…
题目传送门 /* 题意:从前面找一个数字和末尾数字调换使得变成偶数且为最大 贪心:考虑两种情况:1. 有偶数且比末尾数字大(flag标记):2. 有偶数但都比末尾数字小(x位置标记) 仿照别人写的,再看自己的代码发现有清晰的思维是多重要 */ #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #include…