#the real experiment for simon effect #load the library which is our need import pygame import sys import random from pygame.locals import * pygame.init() win = pygame.display.set_mode((800,600),DOUBLEBUF|HWSURFACE) left = (200,300) right = (600,300)…
#the real experiment for simon effect #load the library which is our need import pygame import sys import random from pygame.locals import * #creat the subject information function def sub_info(): sub_ID = input("please input your number: ") sub…
#the real experiment for simon effect #load the library which is our need import pygame import sys import random from pygame.locals import * #creat the subject information function def sub_info(): sub_ID = input("please input your number: ") sub…
Beginning Game Programming v2.0 Last Updated 8/19/18 Greetings everyone, welcome to the ground up recoding of Beginning Game Programming with SDL. This time we will be coding with SDL 2 which has been released on the SDL website. These tutorials were…
编译报错:The android.dexOptions.incremental property is deprecated and it has no effect on the build process. android.dexOptions.incremental属性已被弃用,它对构建过程没有影响. 处理方法:app的build.gradle修改 去掉  incremental true  //设置虚拟机堆内存空间大小,避免在编译期间OOM dexOptions { // increme…
现象截图 问题原因&解决方案 在build.gralde中,对Android开发过程中突破的方法数的限制,做了如下解决配置: dexOptions { incremental true javaMaxHeapSize "8g" } 这个配置在Android Studio之前的版本中是默认关闭的,现在android studio在不断优化,更新之后貌似不需要再特意配置了,直接删除即可. 备注:当然了,这个只是警告,不影响运行.所以也可以不用管. 参考资料 Android stud…
## #the real experiment for simon effect #load the library which is our need import pygame import sys,random from pygame.locals import * pygame.init() win = pygame.display.set_mode((800,600),DOUBLEBUF|HWSURFACE) left = (200,300) right = (600,300) red…
GooglePlay 首页效果----tab的揭示效果(Reveal Effect) (1) 前言: 无意打开GooglePlay app来着,然后发现首页用了揭示效果,连起来用着感觉还不错. 不清楚什么是揭示效果(Reveal Effect)的效果可以看我前面一篇文章:Material Design Reveal effect(揭示效果) 你可能见过但是叫不出名字的小效果 无法使用Google的小伙伴可以看我更前面的文章:提高(Android)开发效率的工具与网站 工具与分析 GooglePl…
Material Design Reveal effect(揭示效果) 你可能见过但是叫不出名字的小效果 前言: 每次写之前都会来一段(废)话.{心塞...} Google Play首页两个tab背景用了这个效果,三星计算器用了这个效果,酷安也看见这个效果,但就是叫不出名字!!!抓狂啊!!! 没办法,由于这个效果类似 涟漪效果,所以我就用** Ripple 为关键字,找过RippleDrawable** ,但是没发现...最后在Google的帮助下,我从一个陌生的网站看到了Reveal Effe…
转自: 原始地址:http://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/build-instructions-windows#TOC-Building-Chromium This page has detailed information on building Chromium on Windows, including tips for troubleshooting and for s…