1.编写函数,把由十六进制数字组成的字符串转换为对应的整型值 编写函数htoi(s),把由十六进制数字组成的字符串(包含可选的前缀0x或0X)转换为与之等价的整型值.字符串中允许包含的数字包括:0~9.a~f 以及 A~F. #define YES 1 #define NO 0 /* htoi: convert hexadecimal string s to integer */ int htoi(char s[]) { int hexdigit, i, inhex, n; i = 0; if(…
1.编写一个删除C语言程序中所有的注释语句的程序.要正确处理带引号的字符串与字符串常量,C语言中程序注释不允许嵌套. #include<stdio.h> void rcomment(int c); void in_comment(void); void echo_quote(int c); // remove all comments from a valic C program int main(void) { int c; while((c = getchar()) != EOF) rco…
1.编写一个程序删除每个输入行末尾的空格及制表符并删除完全是空白符的行 #include<stdio.h> #define MAXLINE 1000 // maximum input line size int getline(char line[], int maxline); int delete(char s[]); // remove trailing blanks and tabs, and delete blank lines int main(void) { char line[…
1.编写简单power函数 #include<stdio.h> int power(int m, int n); // test power function int main(void) { int i; for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { printf("%d %d %d\n", i, power(2, i), power(-3, i)); } return 0; } // power: raise base to n-th power; n &g…
1.编写一个将输入复制到输出的程序,并将其中连续的多个空格用一个空格代替 使用if 结构: #include<stdio.h> #define NONBLANK 'a'; // repalce string of blanks with a single blank int main(void) { int c, lastc; // c负责记录当前输入字符的ASCII值, lastc记录前一个输入字符的ASCII值 lastc = NONBLANK; // 符号常量NONBLANK负责把las…
Welcome to the wonderful world of programming! In this book you’ll learn the basics of programming using the C# programming language. While we admit we love to code (another word for program) just about anything, developing games is one of the cooles…
下载链接 :点我 C++ is a powerful, highly flexible, and adaptable programming language that allows software engineers to organize and process information quickly and effectively. But this high-level language is relatively difficult to master, even if you al…
https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-learn-machine-learning-1?redirected_qid=6578644   How Can I Learn X? Learning Machine Learning Learning About Computer Science Educational Resources Advice Artificial Intelligence How-to Question Learning New Things Lea…
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb397676(v=vs.100).aspx Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) is the name for a set of technologies based on the integration of query capabilities能力 directly into the C# language (also in Visual Basic and potential…
Getting started with Python(Python入门) Overview 概述 The series of videos on Channel 9 is designed to help get you up to speed on Python. If you're a beginning developer who's looking to add Python to your quiver of languages, or trying to get started o…
目录 Programming Basics Basic Programming Concepts Object Oriented Programming Concepts UNIX/Linux Programming in C/C++ Programming in PERL 对Cracking Digital VLSI Verification Interview:Interview Success这本书的汉化,最新更新请关注微信公众号 摸鱼范式 Programming Basics Basic…
Logistic Regression with a Neural Network mindset Welcome to the first (required) programming exercise of the deep learning specialization. In this notebook you will build your first image recognition algorithm. You will build a cat classifier that r…
Python Basics with numpy (optional)Welcome to your first (Optional) programming exercise of the deep learning specialization. In this assignment you will: - Learn how to use numpy. - Implement some basic core deep learning functions such as the softm…
View Controller Basics Apps running on iOS–based devices have a limited amount of screen space for displaying content and therefore must be creative in how they present information to the user. Apps that have lots of information to display must there…
第二周:神经网络的编程基础(Basics of Neural Network programming) 二分类(Binary Classification) 这周我们将学习神经网络的基础知识,其中需要注意的是,当实现一个神经网络的时候,我们需要知道一些非常重要的技术和技巧.例如有一个包含 \(m\) 个样本的训练集,你很可能习惯于用一个 for 循环来遍历训练集中的每个样本,但是当实现一个神经网络的时候,我们通常不直接使用 for 循环来遍历整个训练集,所以在这周的课程中你将学会如何处理训练集.…
第二周:神经网络的编程基础 (Basics of Neural Network programming) 2.1.二分类(Binary Classification) 二分类问题的目标就是习得一个分类器,它以图片的特征向量(RGB值的矩阵,最后延展成一维矩阵x,如下)作为输入,然后预测输出结果…
Please note that when you are working on the programming exercise you will find comments that say "# GRADED FUNCTION: functionName". Do not edit that comment. The function in that code block will be graded. 1) What is a Jupyter notebook? A Jupyt…
  Collection View Basics Collection View 基础 To present its content onscreen, a collection view cooperates with many different objects. Some objects are custom and must be provided by your app. For example, your app must provide a data source object t…
一:二分类(Binary Classification) 逻辑回归是一个用于二分类(binary classification)的算法.在二分类问题中,我们的目标就是习得一个分类器,它以对象的特征向量作为输入,然后预测输出结果…
总结 一.处理数据 1.1 向量化(vectorization) (height, width, 3) ===> 展开shape为(heigh*width*3, m)的向量 1.2 特征归一化(Normalization) 一般数据,使用标准化(Standardlization), z(i) = (x(i) - mean) / delta,mean与delta代表X的均值和标准差,最终特征处于[-1,1]区间 对于图片,可直接使用 Min-Max Scaliing,即将每个特征直接除以 255,…
这个课程的参考视频在youtube. 主要学到的知识点有: Create new project, choose Java Application. one .jar file/ package(.jar name with the same as package), one package can contains mutiple .java files. Comment mutiple lines by using "/* */"; comment one line by usin…
1. Build a logistic regression model, structured as a shallow neural network2. Implement the main steps of an ML algorithm, including making predictions, derivative computation, and gradient descent.3. Implement computationally efficient, highly vect…
--------------------------------------------------中文翻译----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.神经元的计算是什么?(B) A. 在将输出应用到激活函数之前, 神经元计算所有特征的平均值 B. 神经元计算一个线性函数 (z = Wx + b), 然后是一个激活函数 C. 神经元计算一个激活函数, 后跟一…
Assume s is a string of lower case characters. Write a program that prints the longest substring of s in which the letters occur in alphabetical order. For example, if s = 'azcbobobegghakl', then your program should print Longest substring in alphabe…
在神经网络中,假如有m个训练集,我们想把他们加入训练,第一个想到得就是用一个for循环来遍历训练集,从而开始训练.但是在神经网络中,我们换一个计算方法,这就是 前向传播和反向传播. 对于逻辑回归,就是找出合适得参数w和b,在二分类中,输出得结果是0或者1,所以我们得假设函数得输出应该在0,1之间.那么线性肯定是不合适的.我们称输出结果在0,1之间的函数为 S 函数(sigmoid 函数). 那么逻辑回归的代价函数又是什么呢? 为了训练逻辑回归模型的参数参数…
Assembler : The Basics In Reversing Indeed: the basics!! This is all far from complete but covers about everything you need to know about assembler to start on your reversing journey! Assembler is the start and the end of all programming languages. A…
How This Book Is Organized 本书组织结构 Programming Entity Framework, Second Edition, focuses on two ways for you to learn. If you learn best by example, you’ll find many walkthroughs and code samples throughout the book; if you’re always looking for the b…
全文转载自 Scott Hanselman的博文. I bought a 3D printer on Friday, specifically a Printrbot Simple Metal from Amazon for US$599. I did a few days of research, looking at all the consumer models under $1000. Some were enclosed, others not. Some made of wood,…
View Controller Basics   视图控制器基础 Apps running on iOS–based devices have a limited amount of screen space for displaying content and therefore must be creative in how they present information to the user. Apps that have lots of information to display…
Questions that are independent of programming language.  These questions are typically more abstract than other categories. Free Language Agnostic Programming Books 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know Algorithms and Data-Structures (PDF) Algorithm…