ebs 12.1.1打中文补丁】的更多相关文章

环境变量设置 oracle 用户,应用env环境变量 . /u01/app/db/tech_st/11.1.0/PROD_erpapp1.env alias s='sqlplus / as sysdba' alias a='tail -f /u01/app/db/tech_st/11.1.0/admin/PROD_erpapp1/diag/rdbms/prod/PROD/trace/alert_PROD.log' applmgr 用户,应用env环境变量 [applmgr@erpapp1 ~]$…
2014-07-11 Created By BaoXinjian…
百度一下查看了很多关于这个问题的解决方法,无非是用通过配置编辑器修改键值来解决.但是由于我的ubuntu是12.04版本的,搜索到的很多方法都不能用,网上一般的解决办法如下: 打开“注册表”(从字面理解应该叫“全局配置编辑器”) 在终端输入:gconf-editor 会弹出一个类似注册表的窗口 在左边的树状列表里找到/apps/gedit-2/preferences/encodings,单击打开 在右侧可以看到auto_detected键名,双击打开编辑键 选择“添加”,在新列表值里输入“GB1…
本次测试环境:操作系统 oracle linux 6.9   oracle ebs 12.1.1  erpapp1.hthorizon.com erpapp1 yum安装依赖的rpm包,关于用户和组会自动创建,以及修改系统核心参数及limit 准备yum安装相关依赖rpm包,参考Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release () (文档 ID 761566.1) wget http:…
Back in May, Oracle announced the general availability of Oracle VM Virtual Appliance for E-Business Suite 12.2.6 for download from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. In this series of Blog posts I will detail how you can build an Oracle EBS 12.2.6…
ubuntu 12.04 LTS server 中文乱码 最近装了一台ubuntu 12.04 server装完后是没有桌面的,后来又手动安装了桌面,但进行后发现桌面是乱码,应该是缺少字体在google上左查右查,看到的基本都是重复的文章,说的大同小异,根本不解决问题,还是要从字体直接入手结果发现了开源的文泉泽(看这里),按这里的命令 sudo apt-get install xfonts-wqy 安装.重启,直接解决问题,真不是知道网上这么多文章都在解决什么问题!!! http://blog.…
Andy Tremayne, my esteemed colleague and fellow blogger, has published a new whitepaper that discusses the effects of network acceleration appliances on traffic optimization for E-Business Suite environments: Symmetrical Network Acceleration with Ora…
JDeveloper 10g is now certified for Windows 10 desktops for Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1.  See: Recommended Set Up for Client/Server Products with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i & R12 (Note 277535.1) When you create extensions to Oracle E-Business Suite…
Forms Developer 10g and Reports Developer 10g are now certified on Windows 10 desktops for E-Business Suite 12.1 and 12.2. See: Recommended Set Up for Client/Server Products with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i & R12 (Note 277535.1) Windows Compatibility…
By Steven Chan - EBS-Oracle on May 17, 2016 Workflow Builder 2.6.3 is now certified on Windows 10 desktops for Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1 and 12.2.  See: Recommended Set Up for Client/Server Products with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i & R12 (Note 277…