This is a quick guide covering nearly all of Nemerle's features. It should be especially useful to anyone who is already familiar with C# or a similar language: Table of Contents Variables Operators Logical Operators Bit Operators Type Casts/Conversi…
for what? while 与 until 差在哪?-- Shell十三问<第十三问> 最后要介绍的是 shell script 设计中常见的"循环"(loop). 所谓的 loop 就是 script 中的一段在一定条件下反复执行的代码. bash shell 中常用的 loop 有如下三种: for while until for loop 是从一个清单列表中读进变量值,并"依次"的循环执行 do 到 done 之间的命令行. 例: for va…
[问] I'm trying to iterate through an array of elements. jQuery's documentation says: jquery.Each() documentation Returning non-false is the same as a continue statement in a for loop, it will skip immediately to the next iteration. I've tried calli…