The Basics of Measure Objects 2.1 the process of 1D Edge extraction Then, the mean gray value along each line of projection is calculated. The sequence of these mean values is called the profile 简单的说 是以 profile Line 为基准 对profile Lin…
错误信息:C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\sklearn\utils\ DeprecationWarning: Passing 1d arrays as data is deprecated in 0.17 and will raise ValueError in 0.19. Reshape your data either using X.reshape(-1, 1) if your data has a single featu…
[1D Blending] BlendTree有类型之分,分为1D.2D.本文记录1D. 1D Blending blends the child motions according to a single parameter. 1D BlendTree 本质是让动态依次播放,并且在每两个前后动画之间进行线性插值. Threshold 用于指定在X轴的哪个位置上,该动画达到贬值.比如下左图中,动画uv_01在0处达到峰值,而uv_03在2处达到峰值.下右图中,动画uv_01在0.5处达到峰值.…
背景:在Spyder中写几行脚本,目的是应用sklearn自带的svm(支持向量机)算法,来对其自带的digits(手写体数字)数据集进行分类,过程包括训练阶段和预测阶段.将手写体数字数据的特征数据data.标签数据target的倒数第一个样本点作为测试样本点,其余作为训练样本. 问题描述:出现DeprecationWarning: Passing 1d arrays as data is deprecated in 0.17 and willraise ValueError in 0.19.…
Problem Statement Two foxes Jiro and Saburo are playing a game called 1D Reversi. This game is played on a board, using black and white stones. On the board, stones are placed in a row, and each player places a new stone to either end of the row. Sim…