当我第一次被分配到“修正执行ng lint语句后的错误”这项任务前,我就被导师提前告知这是一个很无聊的任务,当我开始后,我发现其实有一些办法可以加快这个无聊单调的工作.接下来,我就分享一下我的经验. 首先还是要来讲一讲 ng lint 的相关知识: 通过Angular CLI的执行语句 ng new XXX 创建新项目后,目录中会包含一个tslint.json文件,这个文件就是用来定义一个统一的代码风格. 有一些错误可以通过 ng lint -fix 自动解决,这个过程也许比较漫长.能自动修复的…
ng-repeat is similar to foreach loop in C#. Let us understand this with an example. Here is what we want to do. 1. For each employee we have in the employees array we want a table row. With in each cell of the table row we to display employee Firstna…