
http://www.spoj.com/problems/NSUBSTR/ (题目链接) 题意 给出一个字符串S,令${F(x)}$表示S的所有长度为x的子串出现次数的最大值.求${F(1)......F(length(S))}$ Solution 后缀自动机例题,下面写几点自己认为理解后缀自动机的重点. 后缀自动机相对于后缀树就是将Right集合相同的子串合用一个节点来表示.每一个节点代表一个状态S,这个状态可能包含很多长度区间连续的子串,这些子串的右端点固定,它们的Right集合相同. 往上…
本文版权归ljh2000和博客园共有,欢迎转载,但须保留此声明,并给出原文链接,谢谢合作. 本文作者:ljh2000 作者博客:http://www.cnblogs.com/ljh2000-jump/转载请注明出处,侵权必究,保留最终解释权! 题目链接:SPOJ8222 正解:后缀自动机 解题报告: 我好菜啊,现在才学SAM… 大概的构造就是在线的增量法,看看代码还是挺好懂的,简洁明了… 有几个基础性质:自动机上的每个点上代表的字符串集合的右端点相同,$right$集合相同. 而且两个点的$ri…
[SPOJ8222]Substrings 试题描述 You are given a string S which consists of 250000 lowercase latin letters at most. We define F(x) as the maximal number of times that some string with length x appears in S. For example for string 'ababa' F(3) will be 2 beca…
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #define maxn 500005 #define maxm 250005 using namespace std; ],dist[maxn],ri[maxn],sum[maxm],tmp[maxn]; char st[maxm]; struct Tseg…
题目大意:给一个字符串S,令F(x)表示S的所有长度为x的子串中,出现次数的最大值.F(1)..F(Length(S)) 建出SAM, 然后求出Right, 求Right可以按拓扑序dp..Right就是某个点到结束状态的路径数, parent树上last的那一条链都是结束状态...然后用Right去更新答案.. spoj卡常数..一开始用DFS就炸了, 改用BFS就A了.. (贴一下丽洁姐的题解: 我们构造S的SAM,那么对于一个节点s,它的长度范围是[Min(s),Max(s)],同时他的出…
You are given a string \(S\) which consists of 250000 lowercase latin letters at most. We define \(F(x)\) as the maximal number of times that some string with length \(x\) appears in \(S\). For example for string 'ababa' \(F(3)\) will be 2 because th…
地址: 题目: NSUBSTR - Substrings no tags  You are given a string S which consists of 250000 lowercase latin letters at most. We define F(x) as the maximal number of times that some string with length x appears in S. For example for string 'ababa' F(3) wi…
https://www.luogu.org/problemnew/show/SP8222#sub http://www.spoj.com/problems/NSUBSTR/ 翻译来自洛谷. 你得到一个字符串,最多由25万个小写拉丁字母组成.我们将 F(x)定义为某些长度X的字符串在s中出现的最大次数,例如字符串'ababaf'- F(x),因为有一个字符串'ABA'出现两次.你的任务是输出 F(x)每一个I,以使1<=i<=|S|. water! 后缀自动机后对l排个序,对每个l更新其ans就…
You are given a string S which consists of 250000 lowercase latin letters at most. We define F(x) as the maximal number of times that some string with length x appears in S. For example for string 'ababa' F(3) will be 2 because there is a string 'aba…
讲起来不是特别好讲.总之,如果 $dp[i+1]>=dp[i]$,故$dp[i]=max(dp[i],dp[i+1])$ Code: #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> #define setIO(s) freopen(s".in","r",stdin) #define maxn 2000000 #define N 30 #define ll l…