[CodeForces 1251B --- Binary Palindromes] Description A palindrome is a string t which reads the same backward as forward (formally, t[i]=t[|t|+1−i] for all i∈[1,|t|]). Here |t| denotes the length of a string t. For example, the strings 010, 1001 and…
题目 Codeforces 题目链接 分析 大佬博客,写的很好 本蒟蒻就不赘述了,就是一个看不出来的异或卷积 精髓在于 mask对sta的影响,显然操作后的结果为mask ^ sta AC code #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; typedef long long LL;//必须用long long,过程中可能炸int const int MA…