The Problem Nowadays we use general purpose applications or libraries to communicate with each other. For example, we often use an HTTP client library to retrieve information from a web server and to invo…
General Purpose Hash Function Algorithms post@:       Description Hashing Methodologies Hash Functions and Prime Numbers Bit Biases Various Forms Of Hashing String Hashing Cryptographic Hashi…
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to virtual machine implementations, and in particular to a safe general purpose virtual machine that generates optimized virtual machine computer programs that are executable in a general purp…
General purpose API. general purpose API in libeXosip2-4.0.0. More... Modules eXosip2 configuration API eXosip2 network API eXosip2 event API Detailed Description general purpose API in libeXosip2-4.0.0.…
鉴于自己的毕设需要使用GPU CUDA这项技术,想找一本入门的教材,选择了Jason Sanders等所著的书<CUDA By Example an Introduction to General Purpose GPU Programming>.这本书作为入门教材,写的很不错.自己觉得从理解与记忆的角度的出发,书中很多内容都可以被省略掉,于是就有了这篇博文.此博文记录与总结此书的笔记和理解.注意本文并没有按照书中章节的顺序来写.书中第8章图像互操作性和第11章多GPU系统上的CUDA C,这…
Table of Contents Preface The Solution Getting Started Before Getting Started Writing a Discard Server Looking into the Received Data Writing an Echo Server Writing a Time Server Writing a Time Client Dealing with a Stream-based Transport Speaking in…
原文链接 前言 Nowadays we use general purpose applications or libraries to communicate with each other. For example, we often use an HTTP client library to retrieve information from a web server and to invoke a r…
Shogun网站上的关于主流机器学习工具包的比较:   created last updated main language main focus shogun 1999 10-2013 C++ General Purpose ML Package with particular focus on large scale learning; Kernel Methods; Interfaces to var…
Dapper Miser In late 2013, I created a functional implementation of CMSIS-DAP that runs in a low cost ~$1 PIC16F1454 microcontroller. My interest was seeing it deployed as a CMSIS-DAP debugger *integrated* into a low-cost hobbyist/educational ARM dev…
A technique for implementing read-copy update in a shared-memory computing system having two or more processors operatively coupled to a shared memory and to associated incoherent caches that cache copies of data stored in the memory. According to ex…