如果你想查询某个表的某一列,Hive默认是会启用MapReduce Job来完成这个任务,如下: hive; Total MapReduce jobs Launching Job out since there's no reduce operator Cannot run job locally: Input Size (= 235105473) is larger than hive.exec.mode.local.auto.inputbytes.max (= 134217728) Star…
启用MapReduce Job是会消耗系统开销的.对于这个问题,从Hive0.10.0版本开始,对于简单的不需要聚合的类似SELECT <col> from <table> LIMIT n语句,不需要起MapReduce job,直接通过Fetch task获取数据 set hive.fetch.task.conversion=more; select * from info_table where dt='2017-04-26' limit ;…
说在前面的话 以下三种情况,最好是在3台集群里做,比如,master.slave1.slave2的master和slave1都安装了hive,将master作为服务端,将slave1作为服务端. 以下,是针对CentOS版本的,若是Ubuntu版本,见我的博客 Ubuntu系统下安装并配置hive-2.1.0 hive三种方式区别和搭建 Hive中metastore(元数据存储)的三种方式: a) 内嵌Derby方式 b) Local方式 c) Remote方式 1.本地derby 这种…
* Hive创建表的三种方式 1.使用create命令创建一个新表 例如:create table if not exists db_web_data.track_log(字段) partitioned by (date string,hour string) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'; 2.把一张表的某些字段抽取出来,创建成一张新表 例如:create table backup_track_log as select * fr…
转自:http://www.iteblog.com/archives/831 如果你想查询某个表的某一列,Hive默认是会启用MapReduce Job来完成这个任务,如下: hive> SELECT ; Total MapReduce jobs = Launching Job out of Number of reduce tasks is set to since there's no reduce operator Cannot run job locally: Input Size (=…
假设你想查询某个表的某一列.Hive默认是会启用MapReduce Job来完毕这个任务,例如以下: 01 hive> SELECT id, money FROM m limit 10; 02 Total MapReduce jobs = 1 03 Launching Job 1 out of 1 04 Number of reduce tasks is set to 0 since there's no reduce operator 05 Cannot run job locally: In…