cern-cloud-architecture】的更多相关文章 0.前言今年的2月22日,OpenStack发布了15个版本Ocata. 走过了7年的发展岁月的OpenStack已经成为了云计算领域中最火热的项目之一,并逐渐成为IaaS的事实标准,私有云项目的部署首选.OpenStack社区可能自己都没有想到其发展会如此之迅速,部署规模如此之大,以至于最开始对大规模OpenStack集群的部署支持以及持续可扩展性似乎并没有考虑完备. 众所周知,Ope… Enterprises increasingly want to take advantage of the flexibility and choice of multiple cloud offerings in order to use best cloud services while achieving satisfactory cost reduction benefits. In f…
Cloud computing can broadly be broken down into three main categories based on the deployment model. Here is a definition of each one, courtesy of Wikipedia: Public Cloud Public cloud applications, storage, and other resources are made available to t…
软件架构模式 缺少规范架构的程序通常会变得紧耦合.脆弱.难以更改,缺少清晰的发展方向和愿景.这本小书用50多页介绍了常用的5种常见架构模式,相信不管是大牛还是萌新都会有所收获,特别是对我这种偏爱系统设计.架构.模式的人.当然,此书也只是高层的讨论,能够起到归纳总结.理顺思路的作用.如果想实际应用,还是需要从代码入手,站在架构模式的角度分析优秀的项目源码. 分层架构(Layered/N-tier Architecture) 分层架构的组件按垂直模式组织成多层,每一层表现为程序的一种角色.分层架构大…
[it-ebooks]电子书列表   [2014]: Learning Objective-C by Developing iPhone Games || Leverage Xcode and Objective-C to develop iPhone games Web App Development || Build Quickly with Proven JavaScript Techniques http:…
Following content is directly reprinted from and it is only meant for knowledge sharing, please go to the original website for more information. Conflict Management in WiX So if…
微软近期Open的职位: Enterprise ArchitectCloud, HTML5, Big Data and Mobile are technology trends driving profound architecture change within enterprises. Enterprises are using these technologies, and others, to build incredibly innovative new applications th…
摘要无服务器架构(Faas/Serverless),是软件架构领域的热门话题. AWS,Google Cloud和Azure - 在无服务器上投入了大量资金,已经在看到了大量专门针对Faas/Serverless的文章.书籍,开源项目,会议. 但什么是无服务器,为什么(或不是)值得考虑? 文章参考文末链接很多,网上也能找到文章粗糙的翻译(也许因为文章实在太长了吧)原文中有些内容也不是很新,结合一些个人理解,希望能够对这些问题进行一些启发讨论. 1. What is Serverless?无服务器…
Message Queue 是一种非同步的从一个服务到另一个服务的交流形式, 被用于无服务器架构和微服务架构中. Messages 被储存在一个队列中直到被处理了或被删除. 每个Messages只会被唯一的Consumer处理一次. Message Queue can be used to decouple heavyweight processing, to buffer or batch work, and to smooth spiky workloads. Message Queue B… VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V5.1] Hands-on training with VMware ESXi 5.1 and vCenter Server 5.1 provides you with the skills and knowl…