Original Link: Unit Testing of Spring MVC Controllers: Configuration by PETRI KAINULAINEN on JUNE 28, 2013 Writing unit tests for Sprin…
在之前搭建maven项目这篇的基础上继续集成,引入spring mvc支持 一.添加jar包引用 修改pom.xml文件,加入:(其他关联的jar包maven会自动引用) <!-- 项目属性 --> <properties> <spring.version>3.2.9.RELEASE</spring.version> </properties> <!-- 依赖项定义 --> <dependencies> <!-- s… Writing unit tests for Spring MVC controllers has traditionally been both simple and problematic. Although it is pretty simple to write… 37.5 Spring MVC and CSRF Integration 37.5.1 Automatic Token Inclusion Spring Security will automatically include the CSRF Token within forms that…
The release of Spring 2.5 reduce the burden of XML by introduction annotation based configuration, but you still needed to bootstrap Spring in XML. However in Servlet 3 and Spring 3.1 we can now drop XML completely and have 100% code based configurat…
Spring 3 You may interest at this Spring 3 MVC hello world example. In Spring MVC web application, it consist of 3 standard MVC (Model, Views, Controllers) components : Models – Domain objects that are processed by service layer (business logic) or p…
首先感谢一下润和软件,指引我走上了Spring MVC Web开发的道路. 下面进入正题 搭建开发环境: Netbeans8.0.2 + MySql5.6 + JDK1.7 + tomcat8.0.15 本次采用的Spring MVC Jar包如下: spring-aop-4.1.3.RELEASE.jar spring-beans-4.1.3.RELEASE.jar spring-context-4.1.3.RELEASE.jar spring-context-support-4.1.3.RE…
基于Maven的Spring + Spring MVC + Mybatis的环境搭建项目开发,先将环境先搭建起来.上次做了一个Spring + Spring MVC + Mybatis + Log4J + JUnit Test的环境搭建,这次也差不多,不过就是基于了Maven,同时也添加了事务管理. 首先,可以去了解一下maven,个人觉得这个东西就是JAR包管理方便,不用自己一个个去写,直接添加dependence就行了,不过有时候要注意哟,有可能重复的包含了某个JAR包,会报冲突的哟,亲!因…
概述在我的上一篇文章:Spring源码分析(三):DispatcherServlet的设计与实现中提到,DispatcherServlet在接收到客户端请求时,会遍历DispatcherServlet自身维护的一个HandlerMapping集合,来查找该请求对应的请求处理器,然后由该请求处理器来执行请求处理. 在SpringMVC中,DispatcherServlet通过HandlerMapping接口来定义请求和请求处理器之间的映射关系,通过HandlerAdapter接口来提供一个模板实现…