Mem pro 是一个主要集成内存泄露检测的工具,其具有自身的源码和GUI,在GUI中利用"Launch" button进行加载自己待检测的application,目前支持的平台为Windows,Unix, Linux, OSX, IOS, GCC:但是按照官网的说法,其虽然只能运行到WIN上,但是根据TCP协议传输dump的方式也可以和其他平台的app进行连接: 关于内存泄露,按照官方文档中的说法,其检测内存泄露的算法主要是两种,一种是在抓取dump时候未被引用的变量会被认定为泄露,…
Given an arbitrary ransom note string and another string containing letters from all the magazines, write a function that will return true if the ransom note can be constructed from the magazines ; otherwise, it wil…
1. Translating Java Classes to Scala Classes Example 1: # a class declaration in Java public class Book{} # Scala equivalent of a class declaration class Book Example 2: # a Java class with a Construtor public class Book{ private final int isbn; priv…
1. Unified Type System Scala has a unified type system, enclosed by the type Any at the top of the hierarchy and the type Nothing at the bottom of the hierarchy. All Scala types inherit from Any. # Using Any, Book extends AnyRef, and x is an Int that…
A trait provides code reusability in Scala by encapsulating method and state and then offing possibility of mixing them into classes thus allowing code reuse. #define Trait Gliding scala> trait Gliding{ | def gliding(){ println("gliding")} |…
Scala's object-oriented collections support mutable and immutable type hierarchies. Also support functional higher-order operations such as map, filter, and reduce that let you use expression-oriented programming in collections. Higher-order operatio…
The basic functional cornerstones of Scala: immutable data types, passing of functions as parameters and pattern matching. 1. Basic Pattern Matching In Scala, your cases can include types, wildcards, sequences, regular expressions, and so forth. scal…
1. Functional programming treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical and avoids state and mutable data. Scala encourages an expression-oriented programming(EOP) 1) In expression-oriented programming every statement is an expression. A state…