
A - Accurately Say "CocaCola"! In a party held by CocaCola company, several students stand in a circle and play a game. One of them is selected as the first, and should say the number 1. Then they continue to count number from 1 one by one (cloc…
A - Second-price Auction Do you know second-price auction? It's very simple but famous. In a second-price auction, each potential buyer privately submits, perhaps in a sealed envelope or over a secure connection, his (or her) bid for the object to th…
A - Pretty Matrix DreamGrid's birthday is coming. As his best friend, BaoBao is going to prepare a gift for him. As we all know, BaoBao has a lot of matrices. This time he picks an integer matrix with  rows and  columns from his collection, but he th…
组队训练3回放 练习赛过程回放: 开场先看最后一题, 发现是专题训练时做过的网络流原题, cst照着之前的打一遍,第一遍WA, 发现数组开小了,改大后AC. 这时候qw看B题, 一开始想不到方法, cst看了下是BFS, 这时qw开敲,MLE. 然后把数组开小一位,WA. 后来想了想不能直接把字符串存队列里, 改成直接存数字,交了一发,WA. 然而,题目没有读清楚,不知道还能添加1, 修改后提交,还是WA. 再检查一下,没有考虑1可以加在最前面, 再次提交,WA. 考虑一下字典序的问题,发现1应…
  第一场组队训练……意料之中的爆炸. 开场先看题,H是斐波那契水题,qw把H切了. 同时czy看I题(排列),cst继续读其他题. czy尝试交I,PE. cst发现K是水题. cst上来敲K,WA.回去检查. czy继续干I,还是没过. cst又交了一发K,WA. czy交了一发I, 终于过了. cst把K交给了czy之后去看其他题. 与此同时qw开敲C,一发就过. D题看起来像个递推规律题. cst猜D结论,WA(事实上这个结论样例都过不去)czy交K,AC(之前cst把题目理解错了) c…
2017/3/4  12:00-17:00 Solve 9 / 13 Penalty 717 练习赛过程回放: 开场5分中J题签到(cst) 12分钟时qw签到A 这时qw继续开写M,WA,检查代码. 接着czy写B,cst在旁边检查,及时纠正可能导致爆int的错误. 38分钟czy交C,1Y. 三人一起查qw的M,43分钟时提交,2Y. qw推出了E的公式,一开始WA了一发,70分钟2Y. cst和czy讨论F,同时qw继续敲D, 92分钟2Y. czy上来搞F,第一发WA. czy下去查错,…
因为不是一队……毫无晋级的压力……反正有压力也进不去呵呵呵…… 开场zr看1006我看1010.. 1010我一直在wa... zr的1006倒是比较轻松的过了...然后我让他帮我看10.... 跟他讲了半天我代码的逻辑...然后我自己看出来的....比赛的代码....写的十分混乱.... #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> typedef l…
好多oj都崩掉了,于是打了cf.. 开始开的最后一题...尼玛题好长终于看完了...神题不会.... I过了好多人..看了下,一眼题...随便敲了下,1A ]; int main(){ int n, k; cin >> n >> k; int tmp; ; i <= n; ++i) { cin >> tmp; a[tmp]++; } ; ; i <=k; ++i) { if (a[i] > n/k) ans += a[i] - n/k; } cout…
问题 J: Palindromic Password 时间限制: 3 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 217  解决: 62[提交][状态][讨论版][命题人:admin] 题目描述 The IT department at your school decided to change their password policy. Each password will have to consist of N 6-digit numbers separated by dashes, wh…
问题 C: Frosh Week 时间限制: 4 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 145  解决: 63[提交][状态][讨论版][命题人:admin] 题目描述 Professor Zac is trying to finish a collection of tasks during the first week at the start of the term. He knows precisely how long each task will take, down to th…