1. '='的赋值方式会带有关联性 >>> import numpy as np >>> a = np.arange(4) >>> b = a >>> c = a >>> d = b >>> a[0] = 11 >>> print(a) [11 1 2 3] #改变a的第一个值,b.c.d的第一个值也会同时改变 >>> b is a True >>&g…
# = 的赋值方式会带有关联性 import numpy as np a = np.arange(4) # array([0, 1, 2, 3]) b = a c = a d = b # 改变a的第一个值,b.c.d的第一个值也会同时改变. a[0] = 11 print(a) # array([11, 1, 2, 3]) # 确认b.c.d是否与a相同. b is a # True c is a # True d is a # True # 同样更改d的值,a.b.c也会改变. d[1:3]…
1.深复制与浅复制的概念 ->浅复制(shallow copy)概念 在SDK Guides中(搜索copy),官方给出的浅复制概念为: Copying compound objects, objects such as collection objects that can contain other objects, must also be done with care. As you would expect, using the = operator to perform a co…
Shallow copy and Deep copy 第一部分: 一.来自wikipidia的解释: Shallow copy One method of copying an object is the shallow copy. In that case a new object B is created, and the fields values of A are copied over to B. This is also known as a field-by-field copy,…
Python中对于对象的赋值都是引用,而不是拷贝对象(Assignment statements in Python do not copy objects, they create bindings between a target and an object.).对于可变对象来说,当一个改变的时候,另外一个不用改变,因为是同时的,也就是说是保持同步的. 此时不想让他们同步的话可以使用copy模块,copy.copy()浅拷贝,copy.deepcopy()深拷贝. 前者是对整个对象的拷贝,对…
首先查看拷贝模块(copy)发现: >>> help(copy)Help on module copy:NAME copy - Generic (shallow and deep) copying operations.DESCRIPTION Interface summary: import copy x = copy.copy(y) # make a shallow copy of y …
本文属原创,转载请注明出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/robinjava77/p/5481874.html (Robin) Student package base; import java.io.Serializable; /** * Created by robin on 2016/5/11. * * @author robin */ public class Student implements Cloneable,Serializable{ private Str…
参考: [进阶4-1期]详细解析赋值.浅拷贝和深拷贝的区别 How to differentiate between deep and shallow copies in JavaScript 在编程语言中,数据或者值是存放在变量中的.拷贝的意思就是使用相同的值创建新的变量. 当我们改变拷贝的东西时,我们不希望原来的东西也发生改变. 深拷贝的意思是这个新变量里的值都是从原来的变量中复制而来,并且和原来的变量没有关联. 浅拷贝的意思是,新变量中存在一些仍然与原来的变量有关联的值. JavaScri…
Object copy An object copy is an action in computing where a data object has its attributes copied to another object of the same data type. An object is a composite data type in object-oriented programming languages. The copying of data is one of the…
If you learned C++ carefully, you must have known something about the copy of object. For example, I defined a class called \(ABC\),and two variable \(x\) and \(y\) are \(ABC\)s. Like this: class ABC{ public: int a,b; }; int main(){ ABC x,y; x.a=;x.b…
在用到angular.extend的时候,正好碰到一个对象,是层层嵌套的Array, 结果发现只能extend第一层,查阅官文档,确实不支持deep copy: Note: Keep in mind that angular.extend does not support recursive merge (deep copy). 在stackoverflow找到一个方案,只是好像没什么用,看了一下他的写法,原来是在自行判断是否应该进入下一层递归,因为深拷贝的原始需求就是拷贝到最底层的每一个字段,…
Make a deep copy of an undirected graph, there could be cycles in the original graph. Assumptions The given graph is not null DFS /* * class GraphNode { * public int key; * public List<GraphNode> neighbors; * public GraphNode(int key) { * this.key =…
Each of the nodes in the linked list has another pointer pointing to a random node in the list or null. Make a deep copy of the original list. /** * class RandomListNode { * public int value; * public RandomListNode next; * public RandomListNode rand…
好像园内比较多博客对 Shallow.Deep Cloning的翻译是深拷贝.浅拷贝,当时我懵了,这个叫法怎么怪怪的. 就好像看军情观察室,台湾评论员,导弹叫飞弹. 至于它们的区别,一张图就可以解释. 这两个概念,经常对一些对象操作时,忘了自己使用的是shallow 还是deep,而搞到神经大条. MSDN的解释是: Clone can be implemented either as a deep copy or a shallow copy.In a deep copy, all objec…
Conclusions about Deep Learning with Python Last night, I start to learn the python for deep learning research. It really confused me at the beginning. So, here is some conclusions about the hard beginning progress. If you have some more excellent…
生成式深度学习 机器学习模型能够对图像.音乐和故事的统计潜在空间(latent space)进行学习,然后从这个空间中采样(sample),创造出与模型在训练数据中所见到的艺术作品具有相似特征的新作品 使用 LSTM 生成文本 生成序列数据 用深度学习生成序列数据的通用方法,就是使用前面的标记作为输入,训练一个网络(通常是循环神经网络或卷积神经网络)来预测序列中接下来的一个或多个标记.例如,给定输入the cat is on the ma,训练网络来预测目标 t,即下一个字符.与前面处理文本数据…
Machine and Deep Learning with Python Education Tutorials and courses Supervised learning superstitions cheat sheet Introduction to Deep Learning with Python How to implement a neural network How to build and run your first deep learning network Neur…