Advisory: Cisco RV320 Unauthenticated Diagnostic Data Retrieval RedTeam Pentesting discovered that the Cisco RV320 router still exposessensitive diagnostic data without authentication via the device's webinterface due to an inadequate fix by the vend…
Advisory: Cisco RV320 Unauthenticated Configuration Export RedTeam Pentesting discovered that the configuration of a Cisco RV320router can still be exported without authentication via the device's webinterface due to an inadequate fix by the vendor.…
Advisory: Cisco RV320 Command Injection RedTeam Pentesting discovered a command injection vulnerability in theweb-based certificate generator feature of the Cisco RV320 router whichwas inadequately patched by the vendor. Details======= Product: Cisco…
Cisco Common Service Platform Collector - Hardcoded Credentials 思科公共服务平台收集器-硬编码凭证(CVE-2019-1723) 概述 “思科公共服务平台收集器(CSPC)是一个基于snmp的工具,它可以从安装在您网络上的思科设备中发现和收集信息.CSPC软件提供了广泛的收集机制来收集客户设备数据的各个方面.由收集器收集的…
将陆续上传本人写的新书<自己动手写CPU>(尚未出版),今天是第17篇.我尽量每周四篇 5.4 逻辑.移位操作与空指令说明 MIPS32指令集架构中定义的逻辑操作指令有8条:and.andi.or.ori.xor.xori.nor.lui.当中ori指令已经实现了,本章要实现其余7条指令. MIPS32指令集架构中定义的移位操作指令有6条 MIPS32指令集架构中定义的空指令有2条:nop.ssnop. 当中ssnop是一种特殊类型的空操…
题目传送门 传送门 题目大意 区间border. 照着金策讲稿做. Code /** * luogu * Problem#P4482 * Accepted * Time: 8264ms * Memory: 37924k */ #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef bool boolean; template <typename T> void pfill(T* pst, const T* ped, T val)…
求一个字符串在旋转置换群下最小字典表示. 用的是后缀数组(后缀自动机还是再听听jason_yu讲讲吧,关于right集合的部分还有问题) 最小表示法的思想很有好(判断两个对象在某一置换群划分下,是否等价,可以求出两个对象在该置换群划分下的最小表示,然后比较最小表示) #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) #define N 20010 int n, aa[N]; int…
真的是很有趣的游戏... 对每个单词构建好AC自动机后,由于单词都是相同长度的且不同,所以不会出现互相为子串的形式. 那么我们对AC自动机上的节点构建转移矩阵.对于每个单词末尾的节点.该节点的出边仅仅与自己相连且概率为1. 表示如果已经出现了该单词游戏就结束了.答案是收敛的,我们对这个矩阵迭代个2^50次应该就可以求出近似的答案了. # include <cstdio> # include <cstring> # include <cstdlib> # include…
求能被理解的最长前缀. 很显然的dp.令dp[i]=true,表示前缀i能理解.否则不能理解.那么dp[i+len]=dp[i]=true,当s[len]能匹配str[i,i+len]. 由于模式串长度为10.且匹配过程可以用字典树加速. 所以复杂度就是O(10*m*len). # include <cstdio> # include <cstring> # include <cstdlib> # include <iostream> # include &…
HDU 2222 Keywords Search 模板题.对模式串建立AC自动机然后在trie树上找一遍目标串即可. # include <cstdio> # include <cstring> # include <cstdlib> # include <iostream> # include <vector> # include <queue> # include <stack> # include <map&g…