把内容过程中经常用到的一些内容段做个备份,如下的内容是关于Evaluate X and Y returned from the differential equation solvers using printput frequency in Python的内容,应该是对码农们也有好处. ''' printSoln(X,Y,freq). Prints X and Y returned from the differential equation solvers using printput fr…
At first, I'd like to say thank you to MIT open courses which give me the privilege to enjoy the most outstanding education resources. Okay, come to the point. When I was learning the second-order homogeneous differential equation, the professor quot…
Well, to begin with, I'd like to say thank you to MIT open courses twice. It's their generosity that gives me the priviledge to enjoy the most outstanding education resources. Okay, come to the point -- The Frequency in Oscillation System. In general…
Introduction Scientific Computing Tools for Python. Seen in Scipy.org. Environment Linux, CentOS 7 with KDE, python 2.7 Installation python -m pip install --upgrade pip # Do not use sudo for the next command pip install --user numpy scipy matplotlib…
当我们在写rf测试用例时,可能需要随机产生一些数据,可能需要将已有的数据进行转换,做简单的运算等:此时我们可以用万能的evaluate来实现 ,后面一般均适用python表达式来进行实现. 接下来详细介绍一些evaluate这个关键字 1.evaluate Arguments: [expression, modules=None, namespace=None] 该关键字的参数为python的表达式,有的表达式需要引入模块,有的不需要模块默认不引入模块:namespace为另一种运算方式,该方法…
tex文档: \documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article} % Font size (can be 10pt, 11pt or 12pt) and paper size (remove a4paper for US letter paper) \usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,bm} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{amsthm,epigraph} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepac…
(Newton 1671, “Problema II, Solutio particulare”). Solve the total differential equation $$3x^2-2ax+ay-3y^2y'+axy'=0.$$Solve:We have $$y'(3y^2-ax)=3x^2-2ax+ay.$$So$$dy(3y^2-ax)=(3x^2-2ax+ay)dx.$$So $$y^{3}-axy=x^3-ax^2+axy+C$$where $c$ is a constant.…
原文地址 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_1410870560102wu9a.html 在iOS 7中,苹果引入了一个新的属性,叫做[UIViewController setEdgesForExtendedLayout:],它的默认值为UIRectEdgeAll.当你的容器是navigation controller时,默认的布局将从navigation bar的顶部开始.这就是为什么所有的UI元素都往上漂移了44pt.有时会加上顶部tool bar的高度 20,…
方法1:使用在图上加 相对定位的 div 提示对应的直方图数量. 具体实现:获取直方图上所有的点,得到y值和对应的坐标位置,插入相对div 主要js代码:plot 为对应的图对象 //初始化柱状图数据            var $query_result = $("#query_result");            var series = plot.getData();//获取所有的曲线(曲线即一组点)            for (i = 0; i < series…
http://graphics.stanford.edu/courses/cs178/applets/convolution.html Convolution is an operation on two functions f and g, which produces a third function that can be interpreted as a modified ("filtered") version of f. In this interpretation we…