A Plug for UNIX Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 14786 Accepted: 4994 Description You are in charge of setting up the press room for the inaugural meeting of the United Nations Internet eXecutive (UNIX), which has an interna…
Ombrophobic Bovines Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 16539 Accepted: 3605 Description FJ's cows really hate getting wet so much that the mere thought of getting caught in the rain makes them shake in their hooves. They have…
手动输入一行字符串,并对其排序. 脚本如下: #!/bin/bash #a test about sort echo "please input a number list" read -a arrs for((i=0;i<${#arrs[@]};i++)){ for((j=0;j<${#arrs[@]}-1;j++)){ if [[ ${arrs[j]} -gt ${arrs[j+1]} ]];then tmp=${arrs[j]} arrs[j]=${arrs[j+1]…
1.登陆苹果开发者中心http://developer.apple.com(99美元账号) 2.进入itunes connect 3.选择Manage Your Apps 4.选择Add New App 5.填写项目相关信息,不知道怎么填的点击问号查看,Bundle ID Suffix需要与上一篇申请发布证书中锁填的后缀一致,否则在上传项目时会出错,需要重新打包 6.然后是选择项目价格和日期 7.接下来的页面要填写项目的完整信息 页面比较大,四张截图 ① ② 这个一般全部选择None ③ URL…
首先登陆https://developer.apple.com(99美元账号) 选择iOS Developer program 板块下的 Certificates,Identifiers & Profiles 点击进入 b.进入 c.选择证书类型 distribution,选择添加 d.点击+后,选择distribution->App Store and Ad Hoc,continue PS:现在的itunes已经将这两项分开,要上传至AppStore请选择App Store,如果是要安装到…