同步代码块 SynchronizedTest类,用来表示取票功能 package concurency.chapter6; public class SynchronizedTest implements Runnable { public static final int MAX = 250; private int index = 0; @Override public void run() { while(true) { if(ticket()) break; } } // synchro…
from time import ctime,sleep import threading def music(): for i in range(2): print ("I was listening to music. %s" %ctime()) sleep(4) def move(): for i in range(2): print ("I was at the movies! %s" %ctime()) sleep(5) def eat(): for i…
<?php /** *检测http服务是否可以正常访问 *启动三个线程执行任务 */ class taskWork extends Thread { public $url = ''; //检测任务URl public $name = ''; public $thread_id = ''; public $is_runing = true; //运行标志 public function __construct($name) { $this->name = $name; } public fun…