Review In this lesson, we covered the four properties of the box model: height and width, padding, borders, and margins. Understanding the box model is an important step towards learning more advanced HTML and CSS topics. Let's take a minute to revie…
After understanding how Box is, then we are going to see how to use Box to refacotr code, to un-nested expression. For example, we have code: const moneyToFloat = str => { const cost = str.replace(/\$/g, ''); return parseFloat(cost); } const percentT…
About this Course This course will teach you how to build convolutional neural networks and apply it to image data. Thanks to deep learning, computer vision is working far better than just two years ago, and this is enabling numerous exciting applica…
The nitty-gritty of compile and link functions inside AngularJS directives The nitty-gritty of compile and link functions inside AngularJS directives part 2: transclusion [译]ng指令中的compile与link函数解析 AngularJS directives are amazing. They allow you to…
Modern neuroscientists often discuss the brain as a type of computer. Neural networks aim to do the opposite: build a computer that functions like a brain. Of course, we only have a cursory understanding of the brain’s complex functions, but by creat…
The nitty-gritty of compile and link functions inside AngularJS directives The nitty-gritty of compile and link functions inside AngularJS directives part 2: transclusion [译]ng指令中的compile与link函数解析 AngularJS directives are amazing. They allow you to…
Practical Advice Using Open-Source Implementation We have learned a lot of NNs and ConvNets architectures It turns out that a lot of these NN are difficult to replicated. because there are some detail that may not presented on its paper. There are so…