目录 概 主要内容 样本重要性分析 样本摄动对损失的影响 高效计算 共轭梯度 随机估计 一些应用 附录 (1)的证明 Koh P W, Liang P. Understanding black-box predictions via influence functions[C]. international conference on machine learning, 2017: 1885-1894. @article{koh2017understanding, title={Understa…
Review In this lesson, we covered the four properties of the box model: height and width, padding, borders, and margins. Understanding the box model is an important step towards learning more advanced HTML and CSS topics. Let's take a minute to revie…
After understanding how Box is, then we are going to see how to use Box to refacotr code, to un-nested expression. For example, we have code: const moneyToFloat = str => { const cost = str.replace(/\$/g, ''); return parseFloat(cost); } const percentT…
Bounding Box预测(Bounding box predictions) 在上一篇笔记中,你们学到了滑动窗口法的卷积实现,这个算法效率更高,但仍然存在问题,不能输出最精准的边界框.在这个笔记中,我们看看如何得到更精准的边界框.   在滑动窗口法中,你取这些离散的位置集合,然后在它们上运行分类器,在这种情况下,这些边界框没有一个能完美匹配汽车位置,也许这个框(编号1)是最匹配的了.还有看起来这个真实值,最完美的边界框甚至不是方形,稍微有点长方形(红色方框所示),长宽比有点向水平方向延伸,有…
About this Course This course will teach you how to build convolutional neural networks and apply it to image data. Thanks to deep learning, computer vision is working far better than just two years ago, and this is enabling numerous exciting applica…
日志 20170410 Coursera机器学习 2017.11.28 update deeplearning 台大的机器学习课程:台湾大学林轩田和李宏毅机器学习课程 Coursera机器学习 Week 5: Neural Networks: Learning 本来上周开始该学习这个内容,也是先提交了作业,今天才来看看具体的代码:感觉这个课程本身对基础巩固很好.没有连续学习感觉有些有点忘了,最终的目的是自己能够推导这个内容. 本来想跟着学习搞个电子证书的,结果申请的到期时间是2017.3.31;…
The nitty-gritty of compile and link functions inside AngularJS directives  The nitty-gritty of compile and link functions inside AngularJS directives part 2: transclusion [译]ng指令中的compile与link函数解析 AngularJS directives are amazing. They allow you to…
Modern neuroscientists often discuss the brain as a type of computer. Neural networks aim to do the opposite: build a computer that functions like a brain. Of course, we only have a cursory understanding of the brain’s complex functions, but by creat…
The nitty-gritty of compile and link functions inside AngularJS directives  The nitty-gritty of compile and link functions inside AngularJS directives part 2: transclusion [译]ng指令中的compile与link函数解析 AngularJS directives are amazing. They allow you to…
Practical Advice Using Open-Source Implementation We have learned a lot of NNs and ConvNets architectures It turns out that a lot of these NN are difficult to replicated. because there are some detail that may not presented on its paper. There are so…