
ALDS1_3_A-Stack. Description: Write a program which reads an expression in the Reverse Polish notation and prints the computational result. An expression in the Reverse Polish notation is calculated using a stack. To evaluate the expression, the prog……
昨晚遇到了一种很有意思的数据结构,Bitmap. Bitmap,准确来说是基于位的映射.其中每个元素均为布尔型(0 or 1),初始均为 false(0).位图可以动态地表示由一组无符号整数构成的集合. 每个bit对应一个无符号数.如位图第10个比特为true(1),表示无符号整数9. 之所以用位图来表示整数,是为了 节省 内存.假如要处理50亿个四字节无符号整数,那么需要 5,000,000,000 * 4bytes = 20,000,000,000bytes = (20,000,000,00…
数据结构习题集-4-2 集合的运用 1.题目: We have a network of computers and a list of bi-directional connections. Each of these connections allows a file transfer from one computer to another. Is it possible to send a file from any computer on the network to any othe…
<数据结构-C语言版>(严蔚敏,吴伟民版)课本源码+习题集解析使用说明 先附上文档归类目录: 课本源码合辑  链接☛☛☛ <数据结构>课本源码合辑 习题集全解析  链接☛☛☛ <数据结构题集>习题解析合辑 ★教材及习题源码下载★ 链接☛☛☛  严蔚敏<数据结构>课本与习题源码(GitHub仓库) 博主有话说: 01.自学编程,难免思路阻塞,故我在本博客陆续更新了严蔚敏,吴伟民版<数据结构-C语言版>各章节的课本源码和配套习题集答案解析,目的是为了…
ALDS1_1_D-MaximumProfit. Codes: //#define LOCAL #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; #define maxSize 200010 int a[maxSize]; int main() { #ifdef LOCAL freopen("E:\\Temp\\input.txt", "r", stdin); freope…
ALDS1_4_A-LinearSearch. Description: You are given a sequence of n integers S and a sequence of different q integers T. Write a program which outputs C, the number of integers in T which are also in the set S. Input: In the first line n is given. In…
ALDS1_7_A-RootedTree. Description: A graph G = (V, E) is a data structure where V is a finite set of vertices and E is a binary relation on V represented by a set of edges. Fig. 1 illustrates an example of a graph (or graphs). A free tree is a connne…
ALDS1_9_A-CompleteBinaryTree. Codes: //#define LOCAL #include <cstdio> int parent(int i) { return i/2; } int left(int i) { return i*2; } int right(int i) { return i*2+1; } int main() { #ifdef LOCAL freopen("E:\\Temp\\input.txt", "r&qu…
题目链接: 题面: 00-自測4. Have Fun with Numbers (20) Notice that the number 123456789 is a 9-digit number consisting exactly the numbers from 1 to 9, with no duplication. Double it we will obtain 24…