C++ virtual inheritance ZZ】的更多相关文章

   虚继承 是面向对象编程中的一种技术,是指一个指定的基类,在继承体系结构中,将其成员数据实例共享给也从这个基类型直接或间接派生的其它类. 举例来说:假如类A和类B各自从类X派生(非虚继承且假设类X包含一些数据成员),且类C同时多继承自类A和B,那么C的对象就会拥有两套X的实例数据(可分别独立访问,一般要用适当的消歧义限定符).但是如果类A与B各自虚继承了类X,那么C的对象就只包含一套类X的实例数据.对于这一概念典型实现的编程语言是C++. 这一特性在多重继承应用中非常有用,可以使得虚基类对于…
Link1: Give an example Note: I think the Storable::Write method should also be pure virtual. http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/virtual_inheritance.html Link2: explained from the vritual table point of view, Key point: as virual inheritance, compli…
Memory Layout for Multiple and Virtual Inheritance(By Edsko de Vries, January 2006)Warning. This article is rather technical and assumes a good knowledge of C++ and some assembly language.In this article we explain the object layout implemented by gc…
Consider the following example: class Base { public: ; ; }; class Der1 : public virtual Base { public: virtual void foo(); }; void Der1::foo() { bar(); } class Der2 : public virtual Base { public: virtual void bar(); }; class Join : public Der1, publ…
See at: 补充栏3: C++对象和共享内存 (叙述内容和Link1的内容基本一致) <C++网络编程 卷1:运用ACE和模式消除复杂性> <C++ Network Programming Volume 1 Mastering Complexity with ACE and Patterns> -Douglas C.Schmidt, Stephen D. Huston -叶斌译 关于这个问题的一个扩展: p49, class ACE_IPC_SAP的constructor为pr…
转自:http://www.cnblogs.com/xd502djj/archive/2010/09/22/1832912.html Virtual是C++ OO机制中很重要的一个关键字.只要是学过C++的人都知道在类Base中加了Virtual关键字的函数就是虚拟函数(例如函数print),于是在Base的派生类Derived中就可以通过重写虚拟函数来实现对基类虚拟函数的覆盖.当基类Base的指针point指向派生类Derived的对象时,对point的print函数的调用实际上是调用了Der…
Virtual是C++ OO机制中很重要的一个关键字.只要是学过C++的人都知道在类Base中加了Virtual关键字的函数就是虚拟函数(例如函数print),于是在Base的派生类Derived中就可以通过重写虚拟函数来实现对基类虚拟函数的覆盖.当基类Base的指针point指向派生类Derived的对象时,对point的print函数的调用实际上是调用了Derived的print函数而不是Base的print函数.这是面向对象中的多态性的体现.(关于虚拟机制是如何实现的,参见Inside t…
Summary You cause a class to inherit using ChildClassName.prototype = new ParentClass();. You need to remember to reset the constructor property for the class using ChildClassName.prototype.constructor=ChildClassName. You can call ancestor class meth…
<Item 36> Never redefine an inherited non-virtual function 1.如下代码通过不同指针调用同一个对象的同一个函数会产生不同的行为The reason for this two-faced behavior is that non-virtual functions like B::mf and D::mf are statically bound (see Item 37). That means that because pB is d…
Inheritance The pointer or reference to base class can address/be assigned with any of the classes derived from base class with virtual functions through mechanism of dynamic binding. There are three ways to support polymorphism: through implicit con…