Choosing the Right Import Method If the data is already in an HBase table: To move the data from one HBase cluster to another, use snapshot and either the clone_snapshot or ExportSnapshot utility; or, use the CopyTable utility. To move the data from…
hbase一般用于大数据的批量分析,所以在很多情况下需要将大量数据从外部导入到hbase中,hbase提供了一种导入数据的方式,主要用于批量导入大量数据,即importtsv工具,用法如下: Usage: importtsv -Dimporttsv.columns=a,b,c <tablename> <inputdir> Imports the given input directory of TSV data into the specified table. The col…
1. 创建HBase 表 create 'hbase_test','user' 2. 插入数据 put 'hbase_test','111','user:name','jack' put 'hbase_test','111','user:age','18' 查看HBase表中数据 3. 创建Hive外部表关联Hbase create external table hbase_test1( id int, name string, age int ) STORED BY 'org.apache.h…