Lidgren.Network – an introduction to networking in C# games Posted on 2015-03-09 by Paul Scharf Ten or so days ago I started working on a new project –…
Lidgren Network Library Classes   Class Description NetAESEncryption AES encryption NetBitVector Fixed size vector of booleans NetBitWriter Helper class for NetBuffer to write/read bits NetBlockEncryptionBase Base for a non-threadsafe encryption clas…
来源:IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL 发表时间:2018 类型:综述 主要内容:概述了SDN监控的发展,并从收集信息.预处理.传送信息.分析.和描述五个阶段进行解读,并比较了传统网络和SDN网络的不同.最后还讨论了几个设计概念,研究方向和开放性问题. 相关工作: A.基本概念 Collection:三个考虑因素:方法(主被动).目标和频率. Preprocessing:原始数据被聚合并转换为某种统计格式,有助于逐项列出和跟踪测量结果. Transmission:有助于逐项列出和跟踪测量…
Basic Networking 1.混杂模式(promiscuous mode):当网卡被配置为混杂模式时,它们会将所有的frame传递给操作系统,即使MAC地址不匹配. 2.交换机(switch)是一种拥有多个端口的网络硬件,能将frame从连接的一个主机转发到另一个主机.它会维护一张叫做forwarding table或者交forwarding information base(FIB)的表,用于记录MAC地址和端口的关系,该表由交换机转发frame的过程中学习获得.交换机还可以级联在一起…
From the previous posts, I have analysed 4 different Docker multi-host network solutions - Calico, Flannel, Weave and Docker Overlay Network. You can see more details on how to install, config and tune features of them from previous posts: Calico: A…
3. 什么是SDN?(WHAT IS SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKING?) The term SDN was originally coined to represent the ideas and work around OpenFlow at Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA [24]. As originally defined, SDN refers to a network architecture where the…
In order to provide an environment for network experiments in the future, I use VirutalBox to create some hosts. My real host is Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. And I will install some OSs gradually. Kali Linux Installation Nothing more to record. Just remember to…
原文地址: Networking service overview OpenStack Networking(neutron)能够让我们创建由其他OpenStack service管理的网络设备,并且将它们加入networking.Plug-in的实现方式能让我们容纳不同类型的网络设备和软件,并且为OpenStack的架构和部署提供了灵活性.它由以…
微软近期Open的职位: Senior SW Engineer The world is moving to cloud computing. Microsoft is betting Windows Azure as our cloud computing platform. Important steps have already been taken to virtualize storage and computing through software, increasing agili… Jun 22, 2016 • packagecloud Tags: packagecloud linux kernel networking optimization tuning monitoring TL;DR This blog post explains how computers runn…