Homepage Coinmonks HOMEFILTER ▼BLOCKCHAIN TUTORIALSCRYPTO ECONOMYTOP READSCONTRIBUTEFORUM & JOBS Go to the profile of Matt Solomon Matt Solomon Apr 20 Using APIs in Your Ethereum Smart Contract with Oraclize Getting data from an outside source onto t…
https://github.com/PhABC/EIPs/blob/is-valid-signature/EIPS/eip-1271.md Standard Signature Validation Method for Contracts eip title author discussions-to status type category created 1271 Standard Signature Validation Method for Contracts Francisco G…
  I followed the tutorial of quorum with truffle: https://truffleframework.com/tutorials/building-dapps-for-quorum-private-enterprise-blockchains Now I want to migrate the SimpleStorage.sol Smart Contract to the blockchain, but I want to make it to a…
[编写Smart Contract] 1.包含头文件. #include <eosiolib/eosio.hpp> #include <eosiolib/print.hpp> 2.使用命名空间 using namespace eosio; 3.实现一个空的合约 class hello : public contract { public: using contract::contract; }; 4.合约中添加一个action class hello : public contra…
☞ ░ 前往老猿Python博文目录 ░ 一.智能合约的定义 通俗来说,智能合约就是一种在计算机系统上,当一定条件满足的情况下可被自动执行的合约,智能合约体现为一段代码及其运行环境.例如银行信用卡的自动还款就是一种典型的智能合约. 我们来看看智能合约概念的演进历史: 智能合约概念于1994年由Nick Szabo首次提出,百度上关于智能合约的定义:智能合约(英语:Smart contract )是一种旨在以信息化方式传播.验证或执行合约的计算机协议.智能合约允许在没有第三方的情况下进行可信交易,…
原文链接:https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/White-Paper 当中本聪在2009年1月启动比特币区块链时,他同时向世界引入了两种未经测试的革命性的新概念.第一种就是比特币(bitcoin),一种去中心化的点对点的网上货币,在没有任何资产担保.内在价值或者中心发行者的情况下维持着价值.到目前为止,比特币已经吸引了大量的公众注意力, 就政治方面而言它是一种没有中央银行的货币并且有着剧烈的价格波动.然而,中本聪的伟大试验还有与比特币同等重要的一部分:基于…
eip title author type category status created 170 Contract code size limit Vitalik Buterin Standards Track Core Final 2016-11-04 Hard fork Spurious Dragon Parameters FORK_BLKNUM: 2,675,000 CHAIN_ID: 1 (main net) Specification If block.number >= FORK_…
知识点 memory vs storage vs stack storage , where all the contract state variables reside. Every contract has its own storage and it is persistent between function calls and quite expensive to use. memory , this is used to hold temporary values. It is e…
赛题地址:https://blockchain-ctf.securityinnovation.com/#/dashboard Donation 源码解析 我们只需要用外部账户调用 withdrawDonationsFromTheSuckersWhoFellForIt() 把钱取出来,就算是挑战成功啦.本题难就难在怎么用外部账户调用合约函数... 解题 点一下 Hints 他就会提醒你用 MyCrypto 来完成这个挑战.我用了,太香了.完美解决了用外部账户调用合约函数的问题. 只需要进入界面 -…
https://blog.zeppelin.solutions/the-hitchhikers-guide-to-smart-contracts-in-ethereum-848f08001f05 这个是简单的介绍 Hitchhiker’s Guide to Smart Contracts in Ethereum Smart Contract security in Ethereum is hard “Smart contracts are pretty difficult to get righ…