NEURAL NETWORKS, PART 1: BACKGROUND Artificial neural networks (NN for short) are practical, elegant, and mathematically fascinating models for machine learning. They are inspired by the central nervous systems of humans and animals – smaller process…
原文:written by Sebastian Raschka on March 14, 2015 中文版译文:伯乐在线 - atmanic 翻译,toolate 校稿 This article offers a brief glimpse of the history and basic concepts of machine learning. We will take a look at the first algorithmically described neural network…
A Beginner's Guide To Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks Introduction Convolutional neural networks. Sounds like a weird combination of biology and math with a little CS sprinkled in, but these networks have been some of the most influential…
Hacker's guide to Neural Networks Hi there, I'm a CS PhD student at Stanford. I've worked on Deep Learning for a few years as part of my research and among several of my related pet projects is ConvNetJS - a Javascript library for training Neural Net…
When a golf player is first learning to play golf, they usually spend most of their time developing a basic swing. Only gradually do they develop other shots, learning to chip, draw and fade the ball, building on and modifying their basic swing. In a…
Adit Deshpande CS Undergrad at UCLA ('19) Blog About A Beginner's Guide To Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks Introduction Convolutional neural networks. Sounds like a weird combination of biology and math with a little CS sprinkled in, but…
Learning Multi-Domain Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Tracking CVPR 2016 本文提出了一种新的CNN 框架来处理跟踪问题.众所周知,CNN在很多视觉领域都是如鱼得水,唯独目标跟踪显得有点“慢热”,这主要是因为CNN的训练需要海量数据,纵然是在ImageNet 数据集上微调后的model 仍然不足以很好的表达要跟踪地物体,因为Tracking问题的特殊性,至于怎么特殊的,且听细细道来. 目标跟踪之所以很少被 C…
Hi there, I'm a CS PhD student at Stanford. I've worked on Deep Learning for a few years as part of my research and among several of my related pet projects is ConvNetJS - a Javascript library for training Neural Networks. Javascript allows one to ni…
NEURAL NETWORKS, PART 2: THE NEURON A neuron is a very basic classifier. It takes a number of input signals (a feature vector) and outputs a single value (a prediction). A neuron is also a basic building block of neural networks, and by combining tog…
p.p1 { margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 13.0px "Helvetica Neue"; color: #323333 } p.p2 { margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 13.0px "Helvetica Neue"; color: #042eee } span.s1 { } span.s2 { text-decoration: underline } Is objec…