添加对c++11的支持: /.vimrc中添加: let g:syntastic_cpp_compiler = 'g++' "change the compiler to g++ to support c++11. let g:syntastic_cpp_compiler_options = '-std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++' "set the options of g++ to suport c++11..ycm_extra_conf.py中: 将flags数组…
Windows Server 2003 安装Wamp 2.5不成功Wampserver 2.5 will not run on Windows XP 报错信息:C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\bin\httpd.exe 不是有效的 Win32应用程序操作系统[Windows_Server_2003_Enterprise_Edition_R2_CH_x86]软件环境:WampServer 2.5 原因:WampServer 2.5 一定要安装VC 11,但是The V…
firefox并不支持selectSingleNode和selectNodes的解决方法 function test(){ var perid = document.thisForm.PerID.value; var xml="test"; if(window.ActiveXObject){ var xml=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xml.async=false; xml.load("xxxx.xml&…
转自:http://ubuntuguide.net/get-back-typing-break-in-ubuntu-12-04-11-10 Since Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric, the typing break has gone away from “System Settings -> Keyboard”. It’s been split out into an app called DrWright. This tutorial shows how to install D…
org.openqa.selenium.InvalidSelectorException: Locator Strategy 'name' is not supported for this session 1. 换其他定位方式,比如用xpath代替 2.不用换定位方式不用换之前脚本的方法来完成无缝升级appium版本的定位方式 修改源码解决问题,修改方法如下: 修改路径: C:\Users\lili\AppData\Local\Programs\appium-desktop\resources…
对象引用 我们沿用之前定义的Human类,并有一个Test类: public class Test{ public static void main(String[] args){ Human aPerson = new Human(160); } class Human{ public Human(int h){ this.height = h; } public int getHeight(){ return thi…
Eigen:3.1 3.0 Ceres:No Sophus: Sophus支不支持Windows编译?官网写的是通过了Windows的编译的 linux, os x: windows: code coverage: Sophus Overview This is a c++ implementation of Lie groups commonly used for 2d and 3d geometric problems (i.e. for Computer Vision or Robo…