VMWare从6.0升级到9.0,打开以前的虚拟机报错如下:“this virtual machine’s policies are too old to be run by this version of vmware workstation” 解决方法: http://www.wueblog.de/2012/08/vmware-fehlermeldung-this-virtual-machines-policies-are-too-old-to-be-run-by-this-vers…
VMWare从6.0升级到9.0,打开以前的虚拟机报错如下: “this virtual machine’s policies are too old to be run by this version of vmware workstation” 解决方法: 办法如下: 删除文件: Host.vmpl和Windows XP Professional.vmpl 打开文件:Windows XP Professional.vmx,删除里面的以下三行: policy.vm.mvmtid ="xx&qu…
“Invalid configuration file. File "I:/My Virtual Machines/Windows XP english Professional/Windows XP Professional.vmx" was created by a VMware product with more features than this version of VMware Workstation and cannot be used with this versio…
原文:http://blog.csdn.net/fisher_jiang/article/details/6992588背景: 一次crash可能会造成虚拟机锁死的情况发生现象:点击take ownership 可能会提示如下字眼:Taking ownership of this virtual machine failed. The virtual machine is in use by an application on your host computer.解决办法:删除虚拟机目录下的所…
安装完VMware virtual machine 后,再进行 "create a new virtual machine"最后点击"Finish"时,报如下错误: unable to create a new virtual machine :no permission to perform this operation 百度了一下,各种解决方案,完全看不懂说的些哈,没什么具体的操作方法,有一个还需要修改BIOS里的设置,写的很详细(带图),这么复杂,直接都懒得看…
今天准备用Eclipse抓取Android应用崩溃log,打开Eclipse时发现运行不了有以下弹框 A Java Runtime Environment(JRE) or Java Development kit (JDK) must be available in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtual machine was found after searching the following locations: D:\User\wuqiiq\desk…