QTY(Quantity) - 数量 [英文缩写]QTY[英文全称]Quantity[中文解释]数量 A.毛重:Gross Weight是指商品本身的重量加皮重(tare),也即商品连同包装的重量.有些单位价值不高的商品常常采用毛重计量,即以毛重作为计算价格和交付货物的计量基础.这种计重方法在国际贸易中被称为"以毛作净"(gross for net).例如:鱼粉 50公斤麻袋装 "以毛作净" Fish Meal in Gunny Bags of 50Kgs gros…
C - NP-Hard Problem Description Recently, Pari and Arya did some research about NP-Hard problems and they found the minimum vertex cover problem very interesting. Suppose the graph G is given. Subset A of its vertices is called a vertex cover of this…