有了七篇基础学习,了解相关的知识体系,之后便是系统地再来一次. [React] 01 - Intro: javaScript library for building user interfaces [React] 02 - Intro: react component and Design pattern [React] 03 - Intro: react.js in twelve demos [React] 04 - Intro: MongoDB becomes popular [React…
Ref: REACT JS TUTORIAL #6 - React Router & Intro to Single Page Apps with React JS Ref: REACT JS TUTORIAL #7 - React Router Params & Queries Ref: REACT JS TUTORIAL #8 - React Inline Styles & Component Arrays Ref: react 技巧 #3 react-router 教程 pa…
从网上翻阅了一些开发react-native的开发工具时,发现其实可选的工具还是比较多的Sublime Text,WebStrom,Atom+Nuclide,vs code 等.因为我用.net生态环境的ide比较多,所以当看到有vs code时,就毫无犹豫的选择了它作为react-native的开发工具. vs code是一个开源的,而且linux,windows,mac环境都可以支持,通过插件安装可以开发c#,java,php,js,html,css等. 本篇文章,就用来记录如何使用vs c…
jsx变为js的过程:http://babeljs.io/repl/ youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA-Jkgr40A9kl5vsIqg-BIg/playlists raisl365: https://www.rails365.net/movies/you-ren-de-react-shi-pin-jiao-cheng-ji-chu-pian-1-jie-shao 上一节讲了:通过代码的分离来展示client.js文件的进化过程. 关于基础…
Introduction about React component lifecycle. 1 Lifecycle A React component in browser can be any of the following three statuses: mounted, update and unmounted. So React component lifecycle can be divided into three phases according to these statuse…
故事背景 [1] 博客笔记结合<React快速上手开发>再次系统地.全面地走一遍. [2] React JS Tutorials:包含了JS --> React --> Redux --> Mobx 项目部署 着眼于ful-stack全局,了解前后端的部署,之后才能深刻理解react的角色与位置. 1. 服务器部署 [AWS] Deploy react project on EC2 2. 用户权限管理 [AWS] OAuth2.0 [AWS] User management…
The open source, cross platform, free C++ IDE. Code::Blocks is a free C++ IDE built to meet the most demanding needs of its users. It is designed to be very extensible and fully configurable. Finally, an IDE with all the features you need, having a c…
将感悟心得记于此,重启程序员模式. js, py, c++, java, php 融汇之全栈系列 [Full-stack] 快速上手开发 - React [Full-stack] 状态管理技巧 - Redux [Full-stack] 网页布局艺术 - Less [Full-stack] 异步即时通信 - Async [Full-stack] 跨平台大框架 - RN [Full-stack] 世上最好语言 - PHP 贯通之语言比对 /* 这部分有点全栈系列的味道,日后进阶 */ 语言与框架 语…
原文链接:Using React in Visual Studio Code 原文链接:Live edit and debug your React apps directly from VS Code — without leaving the editor github源码示例:microsoft/vscode-react-sample Welcome to React you'll need Node.js JavaScript runtime and npm (Node.js packa…
Learn to install JavaScript modules that include native code. Some React Native modules include native code for Android and/or iOS in addition to JavaScript. We'll install the react-native-video component using npm install, and then link it with the…