The theoretical study of computer program performance and resource useage. First, analysis and then design. Questions: 1 In programming, what is more important than performance(有什么比性能更重要)? correctness, simplicity(简洁性), maintainability, stability,…
步骤 将数组列在一个表(一行多列)中,按特定的步长进行插入排序 步长从 length/2 到 1,每次除 2 将数组转换至表是为了更好地理解这算法,算法本身还是使用数组进行排序 算法性能 (根据步长序列的不同而不同) 最优时间复杂度:O(n1.3) 最坏时间复杂度:O(n2) 稳定想:不稳定 Python 代码示例 def shell_sort(lst): n = len(lst) gap = n // 2 while gap > 0: for i in range(gap, n, gap):…