In this post, we are going to compare the two types of machine learning models-generative model and discriminative model-, whose underlying ideas are quite different. Also, a typical generative classification algorithm called Gaussian Discriminant An…
13 A Data-Driven Graph Generative Model for Temporal Interaction Networks link:…
生成模型(Generative)和判别模型(Discriminative) 引言 最近看文章<A survey of appearance models in visual object tracking>(XiLi,ACMTIST,2013),在文章的第4节第1段有这样的描述,“Recently,visualobject tracking has been posed as a tracking-by-detectionproblem, where statistical modeli…
mysql group by组内排序: 首先是组外排序: SELECT z.create_time,z.invoice_id from qf_invoice_log z where z.type =102 GROUP BY z.invoice_id ORDER BY z.create_time DESC; 先根据查询的结构分组,分组的结果会使同一条件的数据展示最先插入的一条,id最小的保留下来. 可以看一个例子: 所以如果你的需求是排序前要找到同一条件最后一条记录…
mysql group by 组内排序 SELECT * FROM (SELECT MAX(id) AS t,wukong_uid, 1 AS tag FROM toutiao_uid_gathered_wukong GROUP BY wukong_uidUNION ALLSELECT id AS t ,wukong_uid, 2 AS tag FROM toutiao_uid_gathered_wukong ) AS tab ORDER BY wukong_uid ASC , t ASC…
最近发现网上找的 group by 组内排序语句在不同的mysql版本中结果不一样. 建表语句: SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for wp_posts -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `wp_posts`; CREATE TABLE `wp_posts` ( `id` int(11)…
最近在用jmeter做压测,上周五压测的脚本,今天早晨结束后. 点击同样的脚本,运行就报Error occurred starting thread group :线程组, error message:Invalid duration 0 set in Thread Group:线程组, see log file for more details 这个错误 看下log日志显示如下: 找了很久都没有找到原因. 最后仔细看提示原来是调度适配器的时间没有设置.. 解决方案:设置持续时间…
1.首先我们来先看一个简单的例子: 有[Sales.Orders]订单表和[Sales.Customers]顾客表,表的机构如下 业务要求:筛选 来自“按时打算”国家的用户以及所下的订单数 select o.custid,COUNT(*) as '订单数' from [Sales.Orders] o inner join [Sales.Customers] c on o.custid=c.custid where'按时打算' group by o.custid; 这样简单…
[论文标题]Modeling User Exposure in Recommendation (2016-WWW) [论文作者]Dawen Liang,Laurent Charlin,James McInerney,David M. Blei [论文链接]Paper(11-pages // Double column) [摘要] 通过利用用户之间的相似模式,协作过滤分析用户对项目的偏好(例如,书籍.电影.餐馆.学术论文).在隐式反馈设置中,所有的项目,包括用户不使用的项目,都被考虑在内.但这样…
//多表查询:得到最新的数据后再执行多表查询 SELECT *FROM `students` `st` RIGHT JOIN( //先按时间排序查询,然后分组(GROUP BY ) SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM goutong WHERE goutongs='asdf' ORDER BY time DESC ) AS gtt GROUP BY gtt.name_id ORDER BY gtt.time DESC 参考:…
LINQ: var temp = from p in db.jj_Credentials group p by p.ProfessionID into g select new { g.Key, MaxPrice = g.Max(p => p.CredentialsRankID) }; EF: var temp1 = db.jj_Credentials.GroupBy(m => m.ProfessionID).Select(m => m.Max(o => o.Credentials…