如何通过Git使用GitHub ——PM曾子轩 从未使用过Git 一.从官网下载Git 此部分略 二.用Git连接上GitHub(为保持完整性,此部分引用博客:https://www.cnblogs.com/blogzhangwei/p/5944975.html) 1.创建一个SSH KEY 打开Git Bash,输入: $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your_email@example.com" 之后命令行提示你输入文件名以保存此Key,推荐使用默认名(此时直接输入…
基础git命令 设置username,email $ git config --global user.name "your name" $ git config --global user.email "your_email@youremail.com" $git init //初始化 $git add . //把所有文件加入到索引(不想把所有文件加入,可以用gitignore或add 具体文件) $git commit //提交到本地仓库,然后会填写更新日志(…
作者:程序员小冰,CSDN博客:http://blog.csdn.net/qq_21376985 QQ986945193 微博:http://weibo.com/mcxiaobing AndroidStudio中利用git下载github或者git.oschina的代码时报错: repository test has failed解决方法: 需要看自己的AndroidStudio开发工具是否配置好了git. Settings > Project Settings > Version Contr…
github的git.exe位于 C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\GitHub\PortableGit_25d850739bc178b2eb13c3e2a9faafea2f9143c0\cmd\git.exe 详见图片…
One of the challenges of explaining project management to people who are unfamiliar with the approach, is that descriptions are often either so high-level as to be meaningless, or so detailed that they are overwhelming. Over the years, I have come to…
Project Management ProcessDescription .......................................................................................................................................................................................1STAGE/STEP/TASK SUMMARY LIST…
Introduction The purpose of this paper is to gain an understanding of project management and to give a brief overview of the methodology that underpins most formally run projects. Many organisations do not employ full time Project Managers and it is…
Project management in the modern sense began in the early 1950s, although it has its roots further back in the latter years of the 19th century. The driver for project management was businesses realising the benefits of organising work around project…
一.github及git Github用于托管和协作项目的网站,git是通常与github一起使用的版本控制系统.Github上有上百万个开源项目,在使用git的时候每个开发人员都在他们的计算机上有一个本地仓库的副本,当他们对副本进行更改时,他们可以将更改上传到,github上,然后与更大的团队分享这些更改. 代码仓库在github中是最基本的元素,可以想象为一个项目文件夹,但他与你计算机上的普通文件夹不同,github提供了简单强大的工具处理项目,我们的代码仓库包含所有的文档和每个文件的历史.…
PMP(Project Management Professional) 官网(英文报名):https://www.pmi.org/ 中文注册:http://exam.chinapmp.cn/ Books PMBOK 指南 第六版 --- 核心内容 汪博士解读PMP考试(第5版)--- 辅助理解 汪博士详解PMP模拟题(第4版)--- 模拟测试 Head First PMP(第三版)--- 简易入门 WebSite http://www.pmptuan.com/ http://www.xiang…