B - Lucky Division】的更多相关文章

A. Lucky Division time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Petya loves lucky numbers. Everybody knows that lucky numbers are positive integers whose decimal representation contains…
题目链接:http://www.codeforces.com/problemset/problem/122/A题意:判断一个数是否能被一个lucky number整除,一个lucky number是一个只包含4或7的数.C++代码: #include <cstdio> ] = {, , , , , , , , , , , , , }; bool check(int x) { ; i < ; i ++) ) return true; return false; } int main() {…
Problem description Petya loves lucky numbers. Everybody knows that lucky numbers are positive integers whose decimal representation contains only the lucky digits 4 and 7. For example, numbers 47, 744, 4 are lucky and 5, 17, 467 are not. Petya calls…
之所以在codeforces上找这100道水题的原因是为了巩固我对最近学的编程语言的掌握程度. 找的方式在codeforces上的PROBLEMSET中过的题最多的那些题里面出现的最前面的10个题型,它们是: math(数学) brute force(暴力) strings(字符串) implementation(模拟) greedy(贪心) sortings(排序) number theory(数论) constructive algorithm dp(动态规划) shortest path(…
lucky小姐说:昨天晚上他喝醉了,发消息说他想我了,说他后悔了. 我很惊讶. 我问lucky:你们很久都没有联系, 突然说... 你怎么想. 没错,'他'就是lucky的前男友. lucky看着我,很平静的回道:有波动,但是想他的话不会再说出口,我们都有了各自的轨道,何必再生暧昧. 我很惊讶lucky这么说,因为我认识的lucky是活泼,爱笑,不会藏着心里话, 她在我身边能够一直唧唧歪歪,我说她:你的话真多. 她撒娇的说:姐喜欢你才跟你说.我汗毛都竖了起来,但是这样的lucky才是我认识的.…
2017年的lucky小姐,厌倦了现在的工作,她觉得这些的工作对于她而言不具备挑战性,她在迷茫春节过后该如何选择, 这里是距她走出校门整整一年的时光. lucky小姐从开发走向了实施,目的是想周游这个世界. 而lucky却不知道在面对实施她该具体哪些能力. 迷茫了几个月的时间, lucky决定,2017不能再虚度, 所以,她再抽时间学习数据库,虽然她知道这些对她来说只是九牛一毛. 但是她还是在看, 她担心2月找工作的时候自己什么都不会. ----lucky 的 时光助理 2017.01.05…
1.在python2 中导入未来的支持的语言特征中division(精确除法),即from __future__ import division ,当我们在程序中没有导入该特征时,"/"操作符执行的只能是整除,也就是取整数,只有当我们导入division(精确算法)以后,"/"执行的才是精确算法. 如: #python 2.7.6 Python 2.7.6 (default, Nov 10 2013, 19:24:18) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (In…
Equations are given in the format A / B = k, where A and B are variables represented as strings, and k is a real number (floating point number). Given some queries, return the answers. If the answer does not exist, return -1.0. Example:Given a / b =…
ZOJ3944 People Counting ZOJ3939 The Lucky Week 1.PeopleConting 题意:照片上有很多个人,用矩阵里的字符表示.一个人如下: .O. /|\ (.) 占3*3格子,句号“.”为背景.没有两个人完全重合.有的人被挡住了一部分.问照片上有几个人. 题解: 先弄个常量把3*3人形存起来,然后6个部位依次找,比如现在找头,找到一个头,就把这个人删掉(找这个人的各个部位,如果在该部位位置的不是这个人的身体,就不删),删成句号,疯狂找就行了. 代码:…
Did you ever have the feeling that adding people doesn't help in software development? Did you ever think about the reason? And do you have any idea to make a change? Traditional software engineering emphasizes on division of work by modules, values…
Lucky and Good Months by Gregorian Calendar Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Description Have you ever wondered why normally an year has 365 days, not 400 days? Why August have 31 days, but February have only 28 days? Why there are 7 days, not…
题目链接:hdu 5676 一开始看题还以为和数位dp相关的,后来才发现是搜索题,我手算了下,所有的super lucky number(也就是只含数字4, 7且4, 7的数量相等的数)加起来也不过几万个,可以采用打表的方法来把所有的super lucky number存储起来.因为4,7数量须相等,所以可以用一个二进制数的0,1来代替,先限定4,7数量分别为 i,之后就是求出包含 i 个0和 i 个1的 2*i 位所有这样的二进制数,然后简单转换一下(1->7, 0->4,这样子能从小到大…
Lucky 2048 uses a normal distribution to create "lucky" start. Generally speaking, it provides lucky chances "most likely to be medium result, and very small probability to get very good results". Toll edition: μ = 7.0, σ = 1.0, probab…
Lucky Number Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 294    Accepted Submission(s): 49 Problem Description “Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s show time! ” “A thief is a creative artist who ta…
程序功能: 1,用户输入数字,当用户输入指定数字时候,输出他输入的循环那次 2,第二次询问是否还要输 3,如果no 则 终止 4,如果yes则继续输入 判断输入是否大于首次输入的 如果大于则开始循环输出他第二次的lucky num 否则循环让输入,直到它输入为大于首次 程序1:较为繁琐 #!/usr/bin/env python ####coding:utf8 lucky_num=input('lucky_num:') count=1 while count < 100000: # count+…
Lucky Problem Description WLD is always very lucky.His secret is a lucky number K.k is a fixed odd number. Now he meets a stranger with N numbers:a1,a2,...,aN.The stranger asks him M questions.Each question is like this:Given two ranges [Li,Ri] and […
Contestants Division   Description In the new ACM-ICPC Regional Contest, a special monitoring and submitting system will be set up, and students will be able to compete at their own universities. However there’s one problem. Due to the high cost of t…
F. The Pool for Lucky Ones Time Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 http://codeforces.com/gym/100637/problem/F Description A new swimming pool has been built in Kazan for the forthcoming Water Sports World Championship. The pool has N lanes. Some…
题目传送门 /* 暴力:对于每一个数都判断,是否数字全都使用过一遍 */ #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <map> #include <set> #include <queue> usin…
GDC2016[全境封锁(Tom Clancy's The Division)]对为何对应Eye Tracked System,以及各种优点的演讲报告 原文 4Gamer編集部:松本隆一 http://www.4gamer.net/games/241/G024173/20160317137/         北美时间2016年3月16日,在旧金山举办的Games Developers Conference 2016上,进行了关于[全境封锁(Tom Clancy's The Division)]的…
Equations are given in the format A / B = k, where A and B are variables represented as strings, and k is a real number (floating point number). Given some queries, return the answers. If the answer does not exist, return -1.0. Example: Given a / b =…
Lucky Ticket Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:262144KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Submit Status Practice CodeForces 146A Description Petya loves lucky numbers very much. Everybody knows that lucky numbers are positive integers whose decimal…
Lucky String -- 微软笔试 标签(空格分隔): 算法 A string s is LUCKY if and only if the number of different characters in s is a fibonacci number. Given a string consisting of only lower case letters , output all its lucky non-empty substrings in lexicographical or…
E. Lucky Array time limit per test 4 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Petya loves lucky numbers. Everybody knows that lucky numbers are positive integers whose decimal representation contains onl…
IMO, version 1 better than version 2, version 2 better than version 3. make some preprocess to make you code simple and efficient. Here divide the input by 2, so you don't have to do dividsion on each loop. version 1 is best thanks to http://www.cnbl…
Division 紫书入门级别的暴力,可我还是写了好长时间 = = [题目链接]uva 725 [题目类型]化简暴力 &题解: 首先要看懂题意,他的意思也就是0~9都只出现一遍,在这2个5位数中. 接着,你要知道:枚举一个5位数就够了,不用2个5位数都枚举,因为你可以通过n知道第2个5位数. 最后set维护出现的次数,ok判断是否可行,pri输出. [时间复杂度]O(1e5) &代码: #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std;…
Petya loves lucky numbers. We all know that lucky numbers are the positive integers whose decimal representations contain only the lucky digits 4 and 7. For example, numbers 47, 744, 4 are lucky and 5, 17, 467 are not. One day Petya encountered a tre…
#1152 : Lucky Substrings 时间限制:10000ms 单点时限:1000ms 内存限制:256MB 描述 A string s is LUCKY if and only if the number of different characters in s is a fibonacci number. Given a string consisting of only lower case letters, output all its lucky non-empty sub…
Digit Division 题目链接: http://acm.hust.edu.cn/vjudge/contest/127407#problem/D Description We are given a sequence of n decimal digits. The sequence needs to be partitioned into one or more contiguous subsequences such that each subsequence, when interp…
Lucky 题目链接: http://acm.hust.edu.cn/vjudge/contest/123316#problem/G Description Chaos August likes to study the lucky numbers. For a set of numbers S,we set the minimum non-negative integer,which can't be gotten by adding the number in S,as the lucky…