CSS calc() allows you to mix and match units to get real-time calculations. It's useful when you need to size elements but you have some unknown number that you have to account for.…
HOWTO: Create native-looking iPhone/iPad applications from HTML, CSS and JavaScript Though it's not widely known, you can write native-feeling iOS apps for the iPhone and iPad in JavaScript (+ HTML and CSS). In this article, I'll explain how to: stri…
In this lesson we are going to use CSS variables to keep our application's colors consistent. This includes defining the variables inside our the pseudo class :root and using the var function within our classes. We finish up the lesson using JavaScri…
前言 我们在手机上布局一般是这个样子的: 其中头部对整个mobile的设计至关重要,而且坑也很多: ① 一般来说整个header是以fixed布局,fixed这个产物在移动端来说本身坑就非常多 ② 在Hybrid应用中,Header很多时候扮演了不一样的角色,首先要完成以webview(window)为容器的功能,又要调用native提供的接口 Hybrid中Header的实现往往是一个难点,主要原因是同一套接口,要保证H5站点与native处于不一样的环境调用相同的接口,完成不同的功能 ③ 若…
In this lesson, we will create a fluid loading animation using Animations and Transformations in CSS3. Summary: Use keyframes to animate. Add animation property to the required division. Add in an appropriate Transition time. Play with the easing fun…