Running the app on your device】的更多相关文章

So far, you've run the app on the Simulator. That's nice and all but probably notwhy you're learning iOS development. You want to make apps that run on realiPhones! There's hardly a thing more exciting than running an app that youmadeon your own phon…
Administrator@DESKTOP-EHCTIOR MINGW64 /d/react-native-eyepetizer (master) $ react-native run-android Starting JS server... Building and installing the app on the device (cd android && gradlew.bat installDebug... FAILURE: Build failed with an excep…
如果你按照上一篇课程创建了android项目,它将包含helloworld的源文件,让你可以立即运行你的应用程序. 你如何运行你的应用程序app依赖于两件事: 你是否拥有一台真正的android设备 你是否正在使用eclipse, 本课将对你展示如何在一台真实的设备上以及android模拟器上通过eclipse和指令安装和运行你的app应用程序 在你运行你的应用程序前,你必须了解android项目的一些文件夹和文件: AndroidManifest.xml mainfest(清单)文件描述了应用…
原因是adb没检测到设备(包括真机和虚拟机). 在Terminal执行adb devices命令,查看有没有连接到的设备. 如果没有设备,确认虚拟机是否正确打开,真机是否连接打开USB调试并安装驱动.可执行adb kill-server和adb start-server这两个命令重启adb. 如果有设备,选择run —>EditConfiguration—>General,查看Deployment Target Options选项,查看设置的Taget是否有问题,以及是否选中了Use same…\ 一台android设备不识别,android文档还挺全 需要安装usb驱动链接里有…
If your developing a new Windows 8 app and you want to test it on another device (e.g. Surface), you’ll need to use a technique called sideloading. This can easily be done through a few steps that I’ll describe in this post. What is Sideloading? Wind…
I've develop a test application in Xamarin Studio (Android with C#) and wanted to test it on my phone. The application worked just fine in the Device emulator (Same OS version) but when I install / open it on my phone, it just says "TestApplication s…
Alright… so my app is almost finished and I want to install it for real on my Surface tablet. How do I do that? Is it possible? Yes it is. NB: People, seems like I was not entirely accurate. Before you can install the package this way, you need a dev…
Windows 8: TopMost window   I am working on my next ambitious project “MouseTouch” which is multi touch simulator application for windows 8 platform and intended to increase the productivity if you are running windows 8 on non-touch device. This will…
原文地址 iOS 应用提交审核要持续一周或者更久,在提交之前,我们一定要进行「自我审查」,避免被拒.ASO100 为大家收集整理了2015年 App Store 审核被拒的23个理由,并且附上官方拒绝理由原文,供大家上传应用时对照检查. 应用被拒分为两种:Binary Rejected 和 Metadata Rejected.前者需要重新上传应用并且重新排队,后者只需要修改信息,不需要重新上传应用. 1.应用内包含检查更新功能 iOS 应用的版本更新必须通过 App Store 进行,自身 Ap…