macOS 10.14 (Mojave) 1. Open the Keychain Access application, located at /Applications/Utilities/Keychain 2. Select Keychain Access >> Certificate Assistant >> Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority… from the menu. 3. I…
To request an SSL certificate is now a SHA-2 Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is required. Using the MMC on a server environment or the certificate manager on a desktop environment allows you to generate a CSR with SHA-2 algorithm. Open the Local Ma…
故事背景,svn与git各有长处,不过git大势所趋吧,那就搞搞.git的服务端,是基于phabricator搭建的,关于它的资料自行google就好了.其实之前运维已经搭好了phabricator了,也给过我叫做test的账号去试过了,只不过还有些问题没处理好,拖了一段时间后,我着手来弄一下.1. 建diffusion详细就不多说,diffusion名字叫swallowframework,很简单,也有教程.第一次,没有分权限,所有人都可以visit, push```git clone http…
z当使用git ------上传文件到GitHub上时!~~~出现了以下错误  :fatal: unable to access ' 可以采用以下解决方式: 修改GitHub上的地址格式=====https: //…… 当还是存在这个问题时:error setting certificate verify locations 可以采用以下方式解决:使用git 命令输入这个代码:git config --system http.sslve…
昨 天终于顺利把公司的App提交了,还是很开心的.这是我第一个开发超过2个月的项目,开发期间学到了很多东西,接下来的时间我会逐渐梳理一下.来个倒叙, 今天就先说下怎么提交的吧.Xcode4以后,提交过程变的简单,除了写各种应用描述以外,整个提交过程不需要半个小时. 发布App的准备工作要在itunesconnect进行,这里引导很好,一步步来就可以了.SKU 随便写,只要唯一就可以了.Bundle ID 通常是反序域名 eg. com.sinaapp.ppwithccApple ID 这个是系统…
1.生成SSL证书与私钥 Generate Private Key on the Server Running Apache + mod_ssl First, generate a private key on the Linux server that runs Apache webserver using openssl command as shown below. [root@s4-app-dev jbossuser]# mkdir /etc/httpd/conf/certs [root…
Generate server certificate Note: If you already have certificate created then this section can be ignored. Generate Private Key on the Server Running Apache + mod_ssl First, generate a private key on the Linux server that runs Apache webserver using… Table Of Contents 1. Introduction 2. SSL and how it works 3. Private Keys 4. Public Certificates 5. Root Certificates 6. Certificate Authorities 7. Certificate Chain 8. Keystore using J…
Java keytool是密钥和证书管理工具.它使用户能够管理自己的公钥/私钥对及相关证书,用于(通过数字签名)自我认证(用户向别的用户/服务认证自己)或数据完整性以及认证服务.它还允许用户储存他们的通信对等者的公钥(以证书形式).一. Keytool创建和导入命令创建keystore和密钥对Generate a Java keystore and key pair keytool -genkey -alias mydomain -keyalg RSA -keystore keystore.jk…
摘自: Secure gRPC with TLS/SSL 03 Mar 2017 One of the primary requirements for the systems we build is something we call the “minimum security requirement”. Although our systems are not d…