SQL> drop tablespace nn_data including contents and datafiles; drop tablespace nn_data including contents and datafiles * ERROR at line 1: ORA-14404: partitioned table contains partitions in a different tablespace SQL> $ oerr ora 14404 14404, 00000,…
How To Convert A Partitioned Table To A Non-Partitioned Table Using DataPump In 11g (Doc ID 1276049.1) APPLIES TO: Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Machine - Version N/A and laterOracle Cloud Infrastructure - Database Service - Version N/A and laterOrac…
在Z上和开放平台上的创建方法还不太一样,两套人马开发出来的就是牛! 蛋疼…… 贴不同类型的几个例子感受一下,Z上的ASC,DESC不见了: CREATE TABLE foo(a INT) PARTITION ) ENDING AT () EVERY ()) CREATE TABLE lineitem ( l_orderkey ,) NOT NULL, l_quantity ,), l_shipdate DATE, l_year_month + MONTH(l_shipdate))) PARTIT…
在本地的一个数据库创建表时意外的出现了以下错误,说是表已经存在了 但通过desc 查看表信息时又说表不存在 在本地系统搜索表名却发现一个.ibd文件[InnoDB File] 在删除了该.ibd文件文件后再重新创建表就没有问题了 参考: mysql innodb表空间被占用,同名表无法创建或导入 MySQL插入或添加表提示Error : Tablespace for table `database`.`temp` exists. Please DISCARD the tablespace bef…
  Oracle中删除表空间时,遇到了ORA-14404错误.   错误信息如下: SQL> DROP TABLESPACE PART1 INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES;DROP TABLESPACE PART1 INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILESORA-14404: partitioned table contains partitions in a different tablespace   同样查看官方文档的说明: Orac…
OS: Oracle Linux Server release 5.7 DB: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionPL/SQL Release - ProductionCORE ProductionTNS for Linux: Version - ProductionNLSRTL Version…
--转载自 https://blog.csdn.net/sunny05296/article/details/81126548--以sysdba用户登录,查找需要删除的用户conn / as sysdba --查找用户select * from dba_users;select username from dba_users;select username from dba_users where username='JACK';select username from all_users wh…
In this article we will see how we can remove partitions from a table in a database in SQL server. In my previous post i had demonstrated how we can partition a table via T-SQL. Lets now remove the partitions and merge the data in a single partition.…
Reference: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/felixmar/archive/2011/08/29/partitioning-amp-archiving-tables-in-sql-server-part-2-split-merge-and-switch-partitions.aspx In the 1st part of this post, I explained how to create a partitioned table using a partition…