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CF732D Exams 题目描述 Vasiliy has an exam period which will continue for \(n\) days. He has to pass exams on \(m\) subjects. Subjects are numbered from 1 to \(m\) . About every day we know exam for which one of \(m\) subjects can be passed on that day. P…
D. Exams time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Vasiliy has an exam period which will continue for n days. He has to pass exams on m subjects. Subjects are numbered from 1 to m. Ab…
这题可以用二分答案来做 那么为什么可以用二分答案呢? 答案当然是满足了单调性. 假设用\(x\)天能够考完所有试,那么用大于$x $天必定也能够考完所有试,所以满足了单调性,我们就可以二分答案 那么如何\(check\)呢?考虑一下贪心 贪心思路:在二分的\(mid\)天之前找到每一科考试可以考的最后一天,只在这一天去考这一门科目,其它时间积攒复习时间,若在\(mid\)前这个科目可考的最后一天出现了,而此时积攒的复习时间并不足以考过这门科目,则说明用\(mid\)天不能考完这些科目,否则就让计…
思路:二分+贪心 提交次数:10次以上 错因:刚开始以为二分(边界,$+1or-1$)写错了,调了半天,后来才发现是$ck()$写错了.开始只判了最后是否小于零,而应该中间一旦小于零就$return\space false$ 题解: 二分天数(单调性显然). $ck(int x)$: 首先$x$天内必须包含所有科目:然后贪心的考每一科的最后一次试(倒着扫一遍):维护一个剩余天数$cnt$,遇到空闲时间或不是最后本科目的一次考试就$++$,否则$-=$本科考试所需的复习天数:一旦$cnt<0$,直…
题意:有m门需要过的课程,n天的时间可以选择复习.考试(如果的d[i]为0则只能复习),一门课至少要复习a[i]天才能通过(可以不连续的复习得到a[i]),问最早什么时候可以把所有课程都通过,如果不能输出-1. 1 ≤ n, m ≤ 10^5) 思路:贪心思想可知每门课尽可能拖到最后考是最优方案,这样复习的天数就最多 二分答案验证是否可行,每考一门课就把复习的总日数减去 ..]of longint; n,m,l,r,mid,last,i:longint; function isok(len:lo…
D. Exams Problem Description: Vasiliy has an exam period which will continue for n days. He has to pass exams on m subjects. Subjects are numbered from 1 to m. About every day we know exam for which one of m subjects can be passed on that day. Perhap…
题目链接: A. Exams time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Student Valera is an undergraduate student at the University. His end of term exams are approaching and he is to pass exactly …
D. Exams time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Vasiliy has an exam period which will continue for n days. He has to pass exams on m subjects. Subjects are numbered from 1 to m. Ab…
C. Vanya and Exams Time Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description Vanya wants to pass n exams and get the academic scholarship. He will get the scholarship if the average grade mark for all the ex…
A. Exams Time Limit: 1 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description Student Valera is an undergraduate student at the University. His end of term exams are approaching and he is to pass exactly n exams. Valera…