简单总结一下机器学习最常见的两个函数,一个是logistic函数,另一个是softmax函数,若有不足之处,希望大家可以帮忙指正.本文首先分别介绍logistic函数和softmax函数的定义和应用,然后针对两者的联系和区别进行了总结. 1. logistic函数 1.1 logistic函数定义 引用wiki百科的定义: A logistic function or logistic curve is a common "S" shape (sigmoid curve). 其实逻辑斯…
这篇随笔是对Wikipedia上k-d tree词条的摘录, 我认为解释得相当生动详细, 是一篇不可多得的好文. Overview A \(k\)-d tree (short for \(k\)-dimensional tree) is a binary space-partitioning tree for organizing points in a \(k\)-dimensional space. \(k\)-d trees are a useful data structure for…
Social Role-Aware Emotion Contagion in Image Social Networks 社会角色意识情绪在形象社交网络中的传染 1.摘要: 心理学理论认为,情绪代表了一个人的认知系统(1927年)的精神状态和本能反应. 情绪是一种复杂的情绪状态,它会导致影响我们行为的生理和心理变化. 本文研究了社交网络中情绪感染的一个有趣问题. 特别地,通过使用图像社交网络(Flickr)作为我们研究的基础,我们试图揭示用户的情绪状态如何影响彼此,以及用户在社交网络中的位置如何…
Key Concepts in RL 标签(空格分隔): RL_learning OpenAI Spinning Up原址 states and observations (状态和观测) action spaces(动作空间) policies(策略) trajectories(运动轨迹) different formulations of return(不同形式的奖励) the RL optimization problem(RL的优化问题) value functions() States…
m*n matrix m*n=1000 f(A)=25 https://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/spring12/cos598C/svdchapter.pdf finding the best k -dimensional subspace with respect to the set of points. status machine…
K-hash Time Limit: 2000ms Memory Limit: 131072KB This problem will be judged on ZJU. Original ID: 389164-bit integer IO format: %lld Java class name: Main K-hash is a simple string hash function. It encodes a string Sconsist of digit character…
Step 0: Prepare data Step 0a: Load data The starter code contains code to load a set of natural images and sample 12x12 patches from them. The raw patches will look something like this: These patches are stored as column vectors in the matrix x. Step…
##Linear Regression with One Variable Linear regression predicts a real-valued output based on an input value. We discuss the application of linear regression to housing price prediction, present the notion of a cost function, and introduce the gradi…
##Advice for Applying Machine Learning Applying machine learning in practice is not always straightforward. In this module, we share best practices for applying machine learning in practice, and discuss the best ways to evaluate performance of the le…
title: [概率论]3-7:多变量分布(Multivariate Distributions Part II) categories: Mathematic Probability keywords: Conditional Distributions 条件分布 Bayes' Theorem 贝叶斯理论 Histograms 直方图 Law of total Probability 全概率公式 toc: true date: 2018-03-15 09:20:38 Abstract: 本文继…
原题地址 经典问题了,O(n)时间内找第k大的数 代码: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int N, K; int *a; int search(int left, int right, int k) { if (left > right) ; int l = left; int r = right; int p = a[left]; while (l < r) { while (l < r && a[r]…
Hihocoder 太阁最新面经算法竞赛18 source: https://hihocoder.com/contest/hihointerview27/problems 题目1 : Big Plus 描述 Given an NxN 01 matrix, find the biggest plus (+) consisting of 1s in the matrix. size 1 plus size 2 plus size 3 plus size 4 plus 1 1 1 1 111 1 1…
hihoCoder太阁最新面经算法竞赛15 Link: http://hihocoder.com/contest/hihointerview24 题目1 : Boarding Passes 时间限制:10000ms 单点时限:1000ms 内存限制:256MB 描述 Long long ago you took a crazy trip around the world. You can not remember which cities did you start and finish t…
http://hihocoder.com/problemset/problem/1454 调了好长时间,谜之WA... 等我以后学好dp再来看为什么吧,先弃坑(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻ #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; const int pp = 998244353; const int N = 503; int…