Problem Description Elves are very peculiar creatures. As we all know, they can live for a very long time and their magical prowess are not something to be taken lightly. Also, they live on trees. However, there is something about them you may not kn… Travel Time Limit: 1500/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 2061    Accepted Submission(s): 711 Problem Description Jack likes to travel around the wo… Elven Postman Time Limit: 1500/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 939    Accepted Submission(s): 520 Problem Description Elves are very peculiar crea…
Elven Postman Time Limit: 1500/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 591    Accepted Submission(s): 329 Problem Description Elves are very peculiar creatures. As we all know, they can live for a very…
摘要 本文主要给出了2014-2015 ACM-ICPC, Asia Xian Regional Contest的部分题解,说明了每题的题意.解题思路和代码实现,意即熟悉区域赛比赛题型. Built with Qinghuai and Ari Factor 题意 判断是否是Q数列,只要数列中每个数均能够被3整除就是Q数列. 解题思路 需要特判一下0的情况. 代码 #include <cstdio> int main() { int T; int n; ; scanf("%d"…
ACM ICPC Central Europe Regional Contest 2013 Jagiellonian University Kraków Problem A: Rubik’s RectangleProblem B: What does the fox say?Problem C: Magical GCDProblem D: SubwayProblem E: EscapeProblem F: DraughtsProblem G: History courseProblem H: C…
2019-2020 ICPC, Asia Jakarta Regional Contest (Online Mirror, ICPC Rules, Teams Preferred) easy: ACEGHK medium-easy: BJL medium: D ?????: I A. B. C. 对 \(R[],C[]\) 分别按奇偶性分段. 网! D. 考虑 check 一个串,枚举右走对应的前缀 pre,下走对应的后缀 suf. 把每行反串拼接中间连特殊字符,建 SA,能 match 上 p…
题目链接: 2018 ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional Contest - I-Inversions 题意 给出一个长度为\(n\)的序列,其中的数字介于0-k之间,为0表示这个位置是空的.现在可以在这些空的位置上任意填入1-k之间的数字(可以重复).问最多可以总共有多少对逆序对.(如果\(i<j,p_i>p_j\),则称\((i,j)\)是一对逆序对) \(1\leq n\leq 2*10^5,\ 1\leq k\leq 100\) 思路 第一步,先证明最优的填…
The Problem to Slow Down You Time Limit: 1 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description Input   Output Sample In…
题目链接: Problem Description Given an undirected connected graph G with n nodes and m edges, with possibly repeated edges and/or loops. The stability of connectedness between node u and node v is defined by…