multipart upload】的更多相关文章

by Eugen Paraschiv on May 23, 2014 in HttpClient 1. Overview In this tutorial we will illustrate how to do a multipart upload operation using HttpClient 4. We’ll use as a t…
原来是用的PutObject()方式上传文件的,但是当文件比较大的时候,总是报一个对方强制关闭连接导致上传失败.PS:公司的网比较渣,10MB的文件都传不上去,搜了下,说使用Multipart Upload方式上传比较好,经过一番折腾,终于搞定了. 使用的是Upload Part Copy拷贝上传上传的方式. 官方文档:…
org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartException: Could not parse multipart servlet request; nested exception is The temporary upload location [C:\Users\cheng.tang\AppData\Local\Temp\tomcat.3621265424298901165.8080\work\Tomca… The Go language is one of my favorite programming languages. However, sometimes doing simple things can seem a bit harder than it should. However, most of the time, the…
最近在准备AWS的开发人员考试认证.所以特意做了一下考试样题.每道题尽量给出了文档出处以及解析. Which of the following statements about SQS is true? Messages will be delivered exactly once and messages will be delivered in First in, First out order Messages will be delivered exactly once and mess…
import;   import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException; import com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider; import; import;   public cla…
Using the AWS Java SDK for Multipart Upload (High-Level API) Topics Upload a File Abort Multipart Uploads Track Multipart Upload Progress The AWS SDK for Java exposes a high-level API that simplifies multipart upload (seeUploading Objects Using Multi…
安装1.sudo apt-get install -y python-pip sudo pip install s3cmd 2. sudo apt-get install s3cmd   配置 s3cmd --configure 根据提示输入accessKey,securityKey 生成基本的配置文件. 修改host_base/host_bucket: host_base = ip-113-107-161-207:7480host_bucket = ip-113-107-161-207:748…
WEB版一次选择多个文件进行批量上传(Plupload)的解决方案  转载自 说明:Plupload支持多种浏览器,多种上传方式! 一般的WEB方式文件上传只能使用FileUpload控件进行一个文件一个文件的进行上传,就算是批量上传,也要把文件一个一个的添加到页面,无法如 windows程序一样,一次选择多个文件进行批量上传.这样在某些应用上就显得很不人性化,有时候客户… 阿里云内部人员撰写的阿里云存储OSS使用教程,对使用OSS的同学们很有帮助! 阿里云存储OSS使用技巧之一:在OSS上读写文件 从你的代码中,把fopen().fclose()这类的函数删掉吧!取而代…