闵可夫斯基和(Mincowsky sum)】的更多相关文章

一.概述 官方定义:两个图形A,B的闵可夫斯基和C={a+b|a∈A,b∈B}通俗一点:从原点向图形A内部的每一个点做向量,将图形B沿每个向量移动,所有的最终位置的并便是闵可夫斯基和(具有交换律) 例如,平面上有两个三角形,其坐标分别为A={(1,0),(0,1),(0,-1)}及B = {(0, 0), (1, 1), (1, −1)},则其闵可夫斯基和为A + B = {(1, 0), (2, 1), (2, −1), (0, 1), (1, 2), (1, 0), (0, −1), (1,…
害怕,可怜几何题 果然不会 题目就是说给你两个凸包,每次询问给你一个向量 \(c\) 问你能不能从两个凸包 \(A\) , \(B\) 里分别找到一个点 \(a\) , \(b\) 满足 \(a+c=b\) . 考虑怎样的向量可以满足. 发现只有让B中的每一个点-A中的每一个点的集合中的向量可以满足.因为把上面的式子化一下就是 \(c=b-a\) . 凸包B中的点集减去凸包A中的点集.这不是闵可夫斯基和吗? 所以我们把两个凸包的闵可夫斯基和求出,然后每一个询问查看给的向量在不在闵可夫斯基和中即可…
Two Sum 題目連結 官網題目說明: 解法: 從給定的一組值內找出第一組兩數相加剛好等於給定的目標值,暴力解很簡單(只會這樣= =),兩個迴圈,只要找到相加的值就跳出. /// <summary> /// 暴力解O(n) /// </summary> /// <param name="nums"></param> /// <param name="target"></param> /// &…
题目链接:Path Sum II | LeetCode OJ Given a binary tree and a sum, find all root-to-leaf paths where each path's sum equals the given sum. For example: Given the below binary tree and sum = 22, 5 / \ 4 8 / / \ 11 13 4 / \ / \ 7 2 5 1 return [ [5,4,11,2],…
题目链接:Path Sum | LeetCode OJ Given a binary tree and a sum, determine if the tree has a root-to-leaf path such that adding up all the values along the path equals the given sum. For example: Given the below binary tree and sum = 22, 5 / \ 4 8 / / \ 11…
Sum of Consecutive Prime Numbers Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 20050   Accepted: 10989 Description Some positive integers can be represented by a sum of one or more consecutive prime numbers. How many such representatio…
题目链接:Sum 嗯--不要在意--我发这篇博客只是为了保存一下杜教筛的板子的-- 你说你不会杜教筛?有一篇博客写的很好,看完应该就会了-- 这道题就是杜教筛板子题,也没什么好讲的-- 下面贴代码(不知道为什么我的常数就是大): #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> #include<cmath> #define File(s) freo…
You are given a binary tree in which each node contains an integer value. Find the number of paths that sum to a given value. The path does not need to start or end at the root or a leaf, but it must go downwards (traveling only from parent nodes to…
Given a non-empty array containing only positive integers, find if the array can be partitioned into two subsets such that the sum of elements in both subsets is equal. Note: Both the array size and each of the array element will not exceed 100. Exam…
Given an array which consists of non-negative integers and an integer m, you can split the array into m non-empty continuous subarrays. Write an algorithm to minimize the largest sum among these m subarrays. Note:Given m satisfies the following const…